Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Evening What's It

What's it?







Have you figured it out?
Perhaps it would help if you know that I made it...
whatever it is.






Although it looks like marker,
that's not what I used.
Oh, and it isn't a face tipped awkwardly.
And, it's not a strawberry without the black dots.
I'm not much of an artist, 
but I could at least draw a face....or a strawberry.
... I think!






Here's a hint.
I'll add some more details
and make it a bit larger.

The green and red should provide another clue.

Now do you know what it is?
Have you figured it out?



Here's the answer:

This is the path I walked during a therapeutic riding class. 
It was actually a physical therapy session with a 6 year old child.
We started at the green point and walked around.
We did some large figure eights.
We did some 'crazy walking' with 
abrupt turns, stops and starts,
and we did some work down each of the long sides of the arena.
The only error in the map is that the red 'stop' sign 
should have been in the barn.
You can see the path we took to get there.
Once we were in the barn our rider dismounted,
said "Thank you" to the volunteers,
and patted the horse, "Good-bye".

Other details of this lesson include:

Duration: 44 minutes:16 seconds
Average Speed: 1.61 mph
Maximum Speed: 2.90 mph (we trotted a bit)
Calories Burned: 120

I have often tried to guess how many miles I walk in a therapeutic riding class. A few days ago I finally found my pedometer, but sadly, it no longer worked. I thought about getting a new one and then had an "Ah-hah" moment. I bet there's an app for this! I looked online and found a number of pedometers. I downloaded three apps to try, all free. The one I used for this map is called Dog Walk. This program keeps track of your walks with or without your dog. You can save the maps, share them with friends and compare them. Tucker has told me he'd like me to get a bit more serious about using it....with him!

Another app I decided to try is called Walk Star. It keeps track of your steps each day, encouraging you to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps. It also keeps track of the total distance you've walked, the calories you have burned and your speed. I've only used it a few times and I've never made it to 10,000 steps. Well, actually, I probably have taken that many steps, but I kept forgetting to leave my phone on, so during part of each day my steps weren't logged.

The last app is free pedometer marketed by Viaden. They have some free apps and others that you can purchase. I haven't tried using this app yet, but it seems to log the same things as the other programs and it graphs your speed. 

I really like the Dog Walk app. I can think of many uses. If I'm out trail riding, I could track my trail and find out the distance. It would also be interesting to clock the speed of a ride, especially if you are preparing for competition. 

Did you guess what my drawing was before I told you? 
If not, what did you think it might be?


  1. Almost! With the overhead view, I thought it was a map of riding in an arena, but didn't think of the Therapeutic Riding volunteer work that you do. I used to do that, but with my bad back and feet I couldn't keep up. Wonderful thing to do though.

  2. Well you had me there! Love it. Really awesome about the app! Think of all the sweets you can eat now - 120 calories goes a long ways LOL

  3. I had no idea! I love the apps! Before I got Shy, I would ride my bike a lot and I used an app to track my miles. They are so handy.

  4. Initially I thought it was a baby booty. Then, I thought maybe a basketball court when I saw it in the map. That sounds like a great app.

  5. That's a lot of walking. I'm afraid that my knees would give out before the session was over. My daughter and I tried to volunteer for a therapeutic riding program years ago, but I made the mistake of telling the owner that we own three horses when he told us we would have to spend the first month just practicing walking a horse in a straight line. He never called us back. I think he wanted people with no horse experience so that he could train them how he wanted.

  6. I thought it was Doc and Pippin's path to the feed room. Then remembered they are not at home with you right now.

    Then thought maybe it's the paths they took in training....

    Very rewarding helping someone ride isn't it. =)


What thoughts do you have?

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