Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I never thought that I would live through a 'catastrophe', but evidently last week's storm was categorized as such - at least as far as the insurance company is concerned.

In case you missed last week's post, here is a picture taken during the first wave of the three-hour storm: (That's hail on the cars, not snow!)

Today we took the cars to  the collision center for appraisal. My love, my 2005 Prius, is in bad shape. The catastrophe team appraiser kept "tsk-tsking" as she went over my car. She estimated between 101 and 150 nickel sized dings, and 9 that were larger, on the roof alone.

A view of the roof...

After she carefully examined the car and marked down all of the dings...finding that only the right front door had no damage, she sat down at her computer. After putting it all in the system, and checking with headquarters, she delivered the report to me. She told me she had been a bit worried. With the age of my car and the mileage, she thought they might have to total it. I am so thankful that they didn't have to do so. I love my car. I've loved every one of the 151,490 miles I've driven in it. I plan to drive it for at least another 50,000+ miles, or 5 years, whichever comes last. It would have killed me to take a check in exchange for my baby! So, at least in that respect, I can relax a bit, as this hasn't been a total catastrophe for me.


  1. Oh my! Glad they saved your baby. We were lucky with that storm, but we had to replace the barn roof from the 4th of July hail storm. No fun.

  2. I am glad your car will be okay. I am that way, too.
    But I even happier that YOU are okay!!

  3. FEMA "totalled" my car after a flood, wrote me a check, and I happily drove that car for another year. So it might not have been too bad if they'd written you a check.

  4. Are they going to pay for thee body work?

  5. Scary! Glad your car has been "saved"! Sorry about the plants, too :(

  6. I was wondering about the body damage caused by the hail to your cars and house\barn.

    Glad they didn't total your car - hope they cover all the body damange though.

  7. Holy hail!! Glad you get to put some more miles on your car :)

  8. Wow, Cyndi! I can just imagine myself standing at the window watching the hail hit my car... oh nooooooooooo! So glad they didn't total your baby and that the love will go on. :-)

  9. You must be getting it fixed will be almost as good as new..those are some big dents:(

  10. Mother nature wasn't play nice...glad things weren't worse, and you can enjoy your vehicle for years to come!

  11. I thought of you when the news showed how hail had crashed right threw car windshields. So glad it wasn't totaled. I can't imagine what horses and other animals in the area thought as they were pelted!

  12. Oh dear! I'm so sorry. You got it bad. We didn't get the hail at our house, but a lot of folks did. Coincidentally, I was at a body shop today. I had a close encounter with a very solid, stationary object while driving the truck away from at ATM. Tuck sits so high, I didn't even see the pole. You know, those poles they stick around ATMs to keep drivers like me from side-swiping the ATM. Anyway, they told me they are pretty busy with all the hail damaged cars so it'll be awhile before they can fit me in.

    Can they realy fix all those hail dents in your baby?

    1. Oh, I'm sorry about your truck's attraction to the post at the ATM. I dented a door with one of those posts at a gas station. I didn't see it and opened the door too fast.
      They can fix the dents, but we probably won't have the Prius fixed. We'll just let them bring more character to my car!

  13. Ouch! Perhaps a carport or garage is in order?


    1. Perhaps cleaning out the garage is in order?!
      Actually, we did rearrange the piles of stuff in the garage so we can now get one vehicle in there. If we put the tractor out under the barn porch, we can get another vehicle in the barn garage. The Prius might be able to scoot into the run-in area now that we don't have horses.
      But, all of that is like shutting the barn door after the horses have escaped.
      Now we have found out we will probably have to replace the roof. The roof on the front of the house has no grit in some places. The back has lost, according to a roofing guy, over 50% of its gravel.

  14. Holy cow! That was some major hail.


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