Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tucker Talks: Kamp Kristine

Hello Mudder - Hello Fadder,
Here I am at - Kamp Kristine.
Kamp is great fun - I get to play.
I hope that mom and dad decide to stay away.

I chewed on Penny's neck - she chewed on mine.
That's OK - I don't mind.
We're having lots of fun - I love playing,
I hope wherever mom and dad are, they are staying.

Penny's pretty - she's an Aussie.
She has a stub of a tail - just like me.
We're a lot alike - we both run and whirl,
It's OK to play with Penny, even though she is a girl.

This is Taylor - he's a terrier.
I think he looks - quite un-merrier!
He watches us play - but he doesn't stir,
I get the idea he would bite me if I hurt her.

Day is done - gone the sun.
Our day was full - we had fun.
Now we're tired - time for rest,
I think Kamp Kristine is the very best!

(Pictures provided by Kristine - dog sitter extraordinaire!)

Fire Update
It seems that things in Colorado couldn't get much worse. It is hard to believe that fires are so close to populated areas. The Waldo Canyon fire (this is the one that is threatening Colorado Springs) is about 35 miles from my home. That's good news. But, the bad news is that it jumped a fire break and has moved into some neighborhoods just north and west of  the Garden of the Gods on the west side of I-25. I have heard that there have been some thunderstorms. Although this brings possible relief in the way of rain, it also brings the threat of lightning, as well as wind gusts. The latest I have on the Flagstaff Fire near Boulder is that firefighters have been able to hold the line and keep the fire from advancing towards homes.  The Estes Park fire is contained. The High Park fire continues to burn. It is 65% contained. This fire has burned close to 260 homes, but is further from towns and cities than the Waldo Canyon fire. 

I couldn't confirm where this picture was taken.
The caption said that horses were released because
owners were not at home. 

Mountain Shadows Subdivision
Near Colorado Springs
West of I-25

This was taken on 6/26/12 
from the parking lot at 
Chapel Hills Mall in Colorado Springs.


  1. Looks like Samson will have some competition in the Dog Poets Society. Tucker's poem is great! The fires are awful. That one in Colorado Springs is unbelievable. They are worried about afternoon thunderstorms and wind gusts. I feel so bad for everyone and I'm sure you can't really enjoy your vacation with all this going on close to home.

  2. Those pictures of the fires give me chills! So terrible! The horse one has been circulating on Facebook and makes me so sad every time I see it.

    Tucker looks like he is having a blast, though!

  3. Tucker looks like he's having a high old time there at Camp!
    We've been thinking and praying for everyone in Colorado. The pics just make my heart hurt.

  4. Fire is soooooo scary! I do hope your property and that of your friends escape the flames. This type of "natural disaster" makes one feel so helpless. We'll all be ticked off if any of these fires are due to "human error". Hope Debby has moved on and that you are left with gorgeous days in FL,


  5. Tucker is such a good looks like he is having fun! He may not want to go home:)
    The fires are terrible..I hope they get rain soon:)

  6. Looks like Tucker is having a blast.

  7. Knee mail going up for those affected by the fires, in Colorado, and in Montana.

  8. Amazing pictures of the fire. Those poor houses. Hope they had insurance. Great post.


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