Monday, June 18, 2012

Get down on your knees and....







I just can't figure how my horses can 
stretch their fat, little necks sooooo far!

No need to trim along their fence line!

Hubby told me that he misses 'the boys'.
I asked if he missed watching their antics in the paddock.
That wasn't it.
He misses their efforts to keep our yard mowed!


  1. Haha! They do have that ability to streeeetch so far! That is how Shy broke the 2x4 the other day. . .leaning on it to get ore grass. She already ate all the grass right outside the arena doors and was stretching to get more.
    We have a few walk out stall in our barn I would love Shy to have one, but I think she would bust out to get the grass!
    Love the drawing!!

  2. That is such a man thing to say!

  3. I thought maybe they were getting on their knees to pray, looks like they are - for more grass!! Great illustration!

  4. Just found your blog, great post! I don't get how they reach their heads so far either!

  5. Aha, the boys provided sooooo much entertainment!



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