Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday Centus: Life Worth Living

Jenny gave us a prompt to work with this week. Her prompt:
you could have had it all.... 
We were challenged to include the prompt and write a total of 106 words. Easy... well, not as easy as it looked! My mind whirled in all directions, and finally a picture formed from the dust floating in my brain. I hope you can see and enjoy the picture I tried to create!

“Did you read this?” said Ma, “you could have had it all! He’s a billionaire, a few times over,” Ma said, shaking the newspaper in my face. I glanced at his picture. His jaw was set with determination. His eyes were focused on some distant goal. Had I stayed with him, would I have had it all? I looked around the sun dappled kitchen. Midge slept in a patch of sun. My toes nudged Jeremy’s dinosaur, forgotten under the table. I patted mom’s arm as we shared the morning and a cup of coffee. Everything I needed to make my life worth living was right here. 

What is something that makes your life worth living? 

To read more responses to Jenny's prompt, visit her blog by clicking on the icon below.


  1. Family, friends, and my animals make life worth living!

  2. It takes some talent to write such a short, but poignant story. I loved it.

  3. Couldn't agree more!! Nicely done!

  4. Just love this story! Well done.


  5. I particularly like that last sentence. Full agreement.

  6. Sometimes other things are worth more than money. Good take on this.

  7. It seems she got exactly all she really needed and did not need what he was providing.

    ~Naila Moon

  8. Wow, nicely written. Isn't it priceless to sit in awe of what you have?!!!

  9. I heard from another blogger that I hadn't commented on this weeks SC so here I am again!

    I loved this story the first time it now, too.

    It made me think of the Sheryl Crow song. "It's not having what you's wanting what you've got."


What thoughts do you have?

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