Friday, June 1, 2012

Tucker Talks: Tumbling Tucker Dog

Ha! I escaped! My mom forgot that she had left the garage door open. She invited me to come out... and boy, did I! I ran out the open garage door into forbidden territory instead of heading for the back door into the boring yard I'm in everyday. Woot! Sweet! I was in the area in the front of the house. My mom says it's about an acre in size. This is where the horses sometimes graze. It's also where the deer were browsing that morning. I saw them there, as I looked through the window by the door. When I went running out, they were long gone. But... their odor lingered on. I sniffed here. I sniffed there. I ran this way and that way. My mom and dad called me. I didn't want to come. The odors were too intriguing. But, finally, I ran, likkety-split towards my mom and  dad. That's when it happened; boom, tiddely-diddely, shoulders, toes, shoulders, toes, head and nose, head and nose.

I was running down a little bit of a hill. My foot caught in something. Suddenly I was whirling and twirling. Over and over. My mom and dad looked at each other in disbelief. They said I somersaulted down the hill, tumbling over and over at least 5 times. I picked myself up and continued to evade my mom and dad, but finally they opened the car door and promised to take me for a ride. I'm a sucker for a ride in the car, so I jumped in. Or rather, I limped in! My right front leg hurts. My back leg hurts. I'm taking it easy!


  1. Poor Tucker! I hope he is okay!

  2. Samson Says: Ah, Tucker, you have to listen to you mom and dad when they call you. I hope you are OK now so you don't have to go to the vet and get a needle.
    Inger: The trick with the car always worked for Angel when she decided it was more important to investigate the neighborhood than to come when called. Hope Tucker is OK.

  3. Hey, Tuck! I understand the excitement...just getting to see and do something new is really cool! And the smells....BAM WoNdErFuLLLLLL!

    Hope you get to feeling better and next time you can run even faster to get to the new smells!!!



  4. Hope that Tucker's injury is just temporary. Surely, he was given that "promised" ride in the vehicle!


  5. Onyx here: Did ya get some deer poop? It tastes awesome!!! Take care of your boo boo's.

    1. Nope! Didn't have time for deer poop! But, my mom told me that their other Aussie once got 'drunk' on deer poop! The deer had been eating azaleas and then the dog ate their poop. Azaleas have some sort of poison in them that doesn't hurt the deer... but the dog... oh my, he could hardly stand up and certainly couldn't walk a straight line. They thought he had a seizure that had fried his brain! It took about 8 hours to get out of his system. Then... the stupid dog did it again!

  6. Oh Tucker, I'm sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I hope you heal soon. Remember, Mom knows best.

    1. I'm really OK. Yeah, I limp, but that's not slowing me down!

  7. Naughty Tucker to get loose! Sorry you hurt yourself though.

    1. Thanks for the sympathy! I'm feeling a bit better. I don't have to limp as much.

  8. Sounds like a good dog's life! :)


  9. Oh no..I hope you are okay Tucker..what an adventure:(


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