Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Rose Among the Weeds

"Mmmm...looks good enough to eat!" 

I was trying to get a picture of my weeds wildflowers.
Someone (or two) kept getting in the way!
Behind the cat, who isn't really using the garden as a litter box,
and who isn't really going to be eaten,
are Rocky Mountain penstemon. 
Our yard keeps presenting us with new surprises!


  1. Good to hear you have surprises too:)

  2. As long as the cat wasn't leaving you some surprises in the garden....

  3. Sure looks like Tucker is thinking that a)momma boots is a play thing or b)is tastey =)

  4. Looked like Momma Boots, was leaving a snack for Tucker there..

  5. lol....and pretty flowers. I have so enjoyed learning all these new to me wildflowers out here in the western country!


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