Thursday, December 1, 2011


My Haffies are such easy keepers,
They even exercise themselves!

This is the second afternoon that the horses have chosen to play this way. Pippin gets in the round pen and Doc (Meriadoc) stays outside. They bite each other over the round pen panels,  then run around inside and outside the pen a few times, before they start the process over.


  1. Bahahaha . . . I LOVE it!! They are just too cute!!

  2. That's great! And I love that Tucker is part of the action too. All 3 are getting a good work out.

  3. That's so great when you are too busy with other things. Good exercise for all of them.

  4. LOL, Haffies take "easy keepers" to another level!

  5. Heeehehehe!!! This is great. It looks like they have this exercise thing down to a rock and roll art!

    God bless your day sweetie!!! :o)

  6. I think that's called free longing LOL. That is to darn funny!!!

  7. It's such a joy to watch horses run. I have to get out pretty early on a cold morning to see that.

  8. That is amazing! Do you think Doc and Pippin can teach the Clydes to do that?

  9. Silly haffies! They sure do have busy minds to come up with that.

  10. What a hoot! Did you make some popcorn and set out a chair to watch the show? I would have. What silly boys you've got there. :)


  11. Sounds like they exercise Tucker too! :)


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