Thursday, December 29, 2011


We're home!

Our Christmas visit went well. It was nice to see
Our niece and nephew and the whole family.
We talked and we ate, and we ate a bit more
I'm amazed that I fit through as I went out the door.

We're home!

It took forever, the flight was delayed
They put us on another towing the first one away.
But we got a free drink and extra snacks, too
To make us feel better 'bout what we went through.

We're home!

The horses didn't whinny, they didn't even neigh
Somehow they gorged on a whole bale of hay.
We're doing some extra walking and close watching too
To make certain that roughage makes its way through.

We're home!

Tucker is tuckered. For five nights and days
He played hard with his friends while we were away.
Our wonderful dog sitter dropped him off at our home
He may actually be relieved to be all alone!

We're home!

It's time to unpack and do laundry too.
Traveling is always such a fun thing to do!
I have to catch up on mail and read things online,
But, we're home!
In our house!
And I think that's just fine!


  1. Your drawings are so cute!
    Travelling is fun, but there is nothing as nice as coming home. . .except all the laundry and housework to catch up on!
    Glad you had a nice Christmas!

  2. No matter how much fun you had, it's always nice to come home.

  3. You do cute drawings- you should do a kids book.... the Adventures of Doc and Pippin.... I'm serious! Narrated by Doc, of course.

  4. Home. A great place to return to!!

  5. Your poem is darling! You are a very good artist!

    Happy New Year!


  6. So glad that your travel went fairly well. Now that you are again in CO, I suspect that you are beginning preps for the upcoming holiday weekend. Celebrate the arrival of 2012, a GREAT year for all of us!


  7. Oh no, sounds like the boys might have a tummy ache? I sure hope they are ok.
    Welcome home.

  8. I'm so glad you are home safe! You know, even though we live in our shed, I still think of it as home xx

  9. More super cute drawings! I especially like the horsey one. You definitely have created a style all your own, that's the "trick". I agree with Shirley 100%. Here's your inspiration :)

  10. Cute poem and fun drawings....I know how challenging they can be. lol!

    Welcome home!



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