Friday, December 23, 2011

All I Want For Christmas

My youngest child came with a pout,
He instinctively knew how to push that lip out!
Even at two months he knew how to say
I want your attention, pick me up right away!

D on Christmas morning

This cute little face was so hard to resist! Maybe he was pouting because Santa didn't bring him what he wanted! I'm happy to say that he has turned out to be a wonderful, thoughtful young man. Picking him up didn't spoil him one little bit!

Assuming that all goes well, I am on my way to the in-laws this morning. I am writing this ahead of time and scheduling the post. We have a 6AM flight...which means we have to leave the house by around 3AM. I have a terrible time sleeping when I know I have to get up for something like this. I envy my hubby who can fall asleep at a moment's matter what!


  1. I would fall asleep about the time the alarm goes off. What a special Christmas present you got. Two of my nieces were born around this time. One on the 21st and one on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas and travel safe.

    Cindy Bee

  2. Merry Christmas and safe travels!

  3. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!

  4. awwwe..I would have picked him up too:)

  5. That picture is adorable!
    Merry Christmas!!


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