Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I was trying to prepare a post for the blog when I heard this little voice saying,

"Mom, hey mom!" Look at me. Look at what I did. 

Tucker, I'm busy. I'm trying to get a post on the blog. I haven't written anything for a few days.

But Mom. Look! This would make a great post! 

Tucker, not now! I have a ton of things to read and write and do!

Geesh, I'm only trying to help! 

Thank you, Tucker. I really wasn't sure what to share with my friends today!


  1. Awww. Tucker is such a smart human owner. I love how dogs always know just what we need.

  2. Tucker knows how to save the day! How cute :)

  3. how cute! And Tucker is so gorgeous!

  4. cute! Loved your Christmas repost with Doc and Pippin too.

  5. Funny how our 4legged kids always come thru saving the blog :)
    Happy New Year from Camryn & I

  6. Is that one of those dog toy piggies that grunts when you squeeze it? I was just in the grocery store playing with one. I was sure my daughter would roll her eyes and go down another aisle, but she pointed out all the different colors they came in! I was not alone in my madness!!!!!:)
    Happy New Year!

  7. Piggy Back....I love it!!!

    Looks like Tucker has a good Christmas too.

    God bless ya sweetie and have a fun kinda day!!! :o)

  8. Well Doggone-it looks like pork bellies are up today lol...what a clever puppy.

    Blessings Kelsie

  9. Patrice, yes, it is a wonderful grunting pig! I fell in love with it at the store, too. After the first 45 minutes of listening to it grunt when I got it home, I wasn't sure I had made the right choice! But now that Tucker has had it a while he doesn't chew on it too much!

  10. Hooray for Tucker and all of our dogs that keep us smiling and know just what we need when our minds can't come up with something to post on our blogs :)



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