Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas To You!

Last year the haffies shared the following conversation on my blog.
I had many wonderful comments about it, so decided to
reprint and repost. 

I hope you all experience the joys of the season
and can enjoy peace and good will!

Hey, Pippin. Did you know that tonight 
is a special night?

What? Do we get extra hay 
or something?

*Big sigh* 
No, silly. It has nothing to do with food.

If it isn't that we get extra hay, 
I don't see how tonight could be special.

Tonight is the beginning of the 
celebration of Christ's birth.

Christ? The guy that my Mrs. Owner 
sometimes names under her breath 
when she's really, really mad?

No. Well, yeah. 
I guess so...In a way.
Never mind...
Many years ago Mary was about to 
have a baby. Joseph and Mary were 
traveling and couldn't find a place 
to stay, so they went into a stable.

Are they coming here? Tonight? 
Goody! I love visitors!

Pippin, will you listen? Please?

Oh, sorry. I just got a bit excited.

This happened a long time ago. 
Before we were even born.
Even before our Mrs. Owner was born. 

 Wow! That really was a 
long time ago, then.

So Mary and Joseph went into the stable 
and on Christmas she gave birth to a little baby. 
He was born in the stable with all of the 
animals around him. 

Were there horses there? 
I wish I could have been there. 
I've never seen a baby born.

She put him to bed in a manger. 
His name was Jesus Christ
and many people believe he was a savior.

Oh...wasn't she worried that one of
the animals would try to eat her baby?

Oh, Pippin, how gross!
A bright star shone over the stable to 
announce the baby's birth.

Oh Doc, look! There's a star over there. 
It's really bright. Is a baby going to be 
born in our stable tonight?

The star led the wise men to the 
stable to worship the new king.

A king?            
You said he was a savior.
You are confusing me.

The wise men brought gifts for the new baby. 

Presents? I love presents.
Are the smart guys gonna
follow the bright star 
and bring presents to us?

Ever since then many people celebrate 
Jesus' birthday. They celebrate 'Christ's Mass'. 
They give gifts to loved ones in remembrance of
Jesus Christ and his birth.

Are you gonna give me a present?
What are you gonna give me?
Is my Mrs. Owner gonna give me a present?
Oooo....what do I want? 
Some apple flavored treats?

I don't have a present for you, Pippin.
Horses don't go shopping and buy presents.
But I can wish you a Merry Christmas.

Oh. OK...I guess.
And, since I don't have a present for you,
I'll just have to wish you Merry Christmas, too!

We wish all of our readers a 
Y   S T S
and Happy Holidays too!   

With love from
Doc & Pippin 


  1. I love it! Merry Christmas, Doc, Pippin, Dreaming, and family! Enjoy your day.
    From Allison, Shyloh, and family!

  2. Merry Christmas! Adorable photo! :)

  3. Merry Christmas! Loved the horses view of Christmas..excellent! :)

  4. Love this. This just reminded me that an entire year has gone by. wow.

    Just wanted to say....Merry Christmas from Lisa and the entire herd at the Laughing Orca Ranch!!

  5. Today was the first time in three days that I could read your post without my being "ousted" from your blog to an unavailable URL. Hummmm, is this what happens when you leave CO for FL?

    It appears that you left your critters in CO to play in the snow. Thanks for re-sharing Doc & Pippin's thoughts re Christmas!


  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. HOw sweet was that conversation! Love the photo too. Merry Christmas back!

  8. Neat post. I hope your Christmas was wonderful.

    Cindy Bee

  9. You won the book! But my computer isn't playing nice with your blog to tell you you won. Maybe this one will go through :) I can't even follow you - something about a Safari thing no playing with my 'puter.

    Shoot me an email with your address so I can send it to you.


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