Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brrr-ringing in the New Year

The New Year is arriving on the tail end of strong winds! 

We are looking forward to a wild mild New Year's Eve celebration....
If we're lucky, we'll stay up to watch the ball drop in New York, which we can see at 10:00 PM our time!
After that, we'll celebrate, behind closed lids and dream of the year to come!

May it bring prosperity and peace and health and happiness to us all!


  1. That sounds like a great NYE celebration to me. I prefer to ring in the year at midnight in a sound sleep. I'll be making fondue soon. That's my NYE tradition. Terrible, chilly winds here all day too.

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family!! I have fun things heading out to you for next week!! I'm so glad you're patient!!

  3. Hubs and I will snore the New Year in. Well, he'll snore, I'll elbow LOL. Looks like Tucker can play fetch all by himself with that wind!
    Hafy New Year

  4. Cheers to the New Year!! I will also be brining in the new year while looking at the back of my eyelids. And I just got done bagging supplements. . .I know, I know, I am such a party animal ;)

  5. Happy New Year to you, Mr. Hubby, Tucker, and of course Doc and Pippin!

  6. Cheers! It's hitting midnight here. Happy New year!!!

  7. Happy New Year...may this be the best one ever!

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!! I'm all for the mild New Years Celebrations! Fireworks went off in our neighborhood at 9pm. That was good enough for us! We went to bed after that.


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