Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday's What's It?

What's It?

Here are a few clues:
  • It is found outside
  • It is made of copper (but hubby says similar items can be made of other metals)
  • This particular one was made in 1969
  • The worker who might be connected with this item will use a tool similar to this:












Do you think you know what it is?

Think electricity.

This object is a quick disconnect link for electric lines coming into a transformer. One power line is bolted tight to the switch on the right size, just below the open ring. The linesman, using one of the tools shown above, can open the triangular-shaped hole on the left of the hanging the tool by twisting the bottom loop with a tool. Once the opening is large enough, the unit can be hung on the wire and tightened to allow electricity to flow into the transformer.

The electric company repairman guy gave us the connector when he had to replace the transformer outside our house. A few weeks ago there was a power surge and power went out all around us. After several hours we realized that we were the only ones in the neighborhood still without power. Once the power company came they assessed the problem, replaced the transformer and while doing so decided to upgrade the connection link. 

I am fascinated by things like this... but what the heck should I do with it now? Hmmm, if I were a clever sculptor who worked in metals and welded things together, I'm sure I could find a place for my hunk of copper. But, I am neither a sculptor nor clever with putting metal bits together to create something lovely! So, I guess it is destined to sit in a pile of stuff until it is pulled out to intrigue someone else at some later date.


  1. It is a wonderful link you have been handed there by your electrician:)

  2. One person's trash is another person's treasure.

    That's all I have to say. :)


  3. I would have never ever guessed it.


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....