Friday, November 4, 2011

Book Review: Going, Gone

Going, Gone  A Gail McCarthy Mystery by Laura Crum

The world of dreams is a fascinating place and Laura Crum plants seeds of intrigue in the prologue of her Gail McCarthy Mystery, Going, Gone.  Crum describes two dreams that disturb Gail’s sleep, and leave the main character questioning their meaning. 
This pulled me into the story immediately. Who doesn’t have dreams that make them wonder? And how do those dreams connect with what I’m going to read? This presented a compelling reason to read on!
Gail, her husband, Blue, and their son, Mac are heading out for a rare vacation to go camping with their horses in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Gail has reconnected with a former boyfriend who has invited the family to camp on his small ranch. However, after the drive from the Monterey Bay area of California, Gail discovers that her host, Lonny Peterson, has just been arrested for the murder of brother and sister, Cole and Lorene Richardson. Gail steadfastly believes in Lonny’s innocence, despite his gun being found at the scene.  She gains insight about local ranchers and other possible suspects when she discovers that the deputy sheriff is childhood friend, Bret Boncantini, who takes her to various meeting spots. 
Within the first few pages of Crum’s novel I felt like I was camping with Gail and her family. I looked forward to relaxing with the book, and getting lost in the story each time I picked it up. Relaxation turned to tension at that tipping point where the pieces came together. I found myself galloping downhill on Sunny with Gail, tensing my muscles around every turn.

Going, Gone is the 11th Gail McCarthy Mystery. I have not had an opportunity to read the previous novels and I liked that I could jump into this one and quickly connect with the characters. I also appreciate that the novels involve accurate information about horses and riding. 

Author, Laura Crum, contributes to the blog Equestrian Ink - Writers of Equestrian Fiction. I enjoy having the opportunity to learn more about Laura and her interests, as well as those of other authors, from the blog.


  1. A well written review, says I, who am stuck on one of my own. The book sounds interesting and I will look for the author at our local library. This is an equestrian town as well, so they may have some of her books there.

  2. Thanks so much for the nice review. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I've enjoyed your comments on Equestrian Ink as well as reading your blog. Cheers--Laura

  3. Thanks for the review Dreaming. I downloaded the sample/preview from Barnes and Noble and it is on my list to read. I will bump it up the list soon. I love a good who-done-it.

  4. Girl, thanks so very much for the very well written book review. 'Sounds exactly the kinda read I need to put on my winter list.

    God bless and have a wonderful weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  5. I'm not a horse fan; however, your review makes me think that I would probably like reading this book. Thanks for sharing --- murder & mystery often "hook" me. Of course, my prime reading season is summer when it is just too hot & humid here to do more than sit under the ceiling fan. As you will remember, fall/winter/spring are usually the perfect time to work in the yard!


  6. Interesting- I don't tend to be a big fan of mysteries, but I am fascinated by dreams. And its always fun to read a book based in an area with which I am familiar (Monterey, CA). Thanks for the review.


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