Friday, November 25, 2011

In Review

Thanksgiving was P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!

It started with the weather; warm and sunny. We had the doors open! (The horses, wearing their lovely winter coats, were not quite as happy, however. They came in with 'sweat swirls' over most of their bodies.)
Everyone had a hand in preparing for the meal.

Even Tucker wanted 'in' on the action!

 New recipes (and new ways of viewing them) were employed.
Cookbooks are so passe!

Chris drove the Cuisinart.

Our Menu

Glazed Honey Ham
Herbed Cranberry Stuffing
Cranberry 'Straight Outta the Can' Jelly
Pineapple Mandarin Fruit Salad
Fluffy Whipped Potatoes
Groovy Gravy
Creamed Pearl Onions

Spiced Rum Whipped Cream

Spiced Rum Egg Nog Coffee

Hubby, Zoe and Chris relax after dinner.

My Dad, David and Dad's girl friend recover from the repast.
Dad is enjoying the spiced rum coffee!

The morning after.....
What do you suppose Tucker is thinking?


  1. Tucker is thinking, "Okay, I see the leftovers. Where's the eggnog?"

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time with family, friends, and a great feast. Your pies are beautiful!

  3. House looks lovely, food looks delicious, & folks look sated. Yes, p-e-r-f-e-c-t!


  4. Looks delicious and perfect!! Tucker wants to crawl and the fridge and eat his fill!!

  5. Tucker's looking for the pies, obviously!

    You didn't mention my favorite part -- you dumped the caramel syrup sauce over the lattice work instead of before the lattice work, which gave it a lot of extra shine and crispiness on the crust. So yummy!

  6. Hummm.....I wonder what I can eat in there....

    Anyway, That is what I would be thinking.


  7. Tucker is thinking "Turkey treats for class!"

  8. Tucker is still hungry and is wondering how many leftovers will be missed:)


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....