Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Who Can Resist a Bargain?

Certainly not me! How 'bout you?

Hubby and I went by one of the large nurseries in our area. We were looking for a plant stand or two to house all of the plants we've brought in for the winter. The nursery has so many beautiful plants; landscape plants, indoor plants, perennials, annuals, plants for ponds..... It's an adventure just to wander through their extensive indoor nursery on any not-so-nice day. It's a challenge to come out of there without having spent too much to acquire plants we do not need!

The nursery had only a few plant stands. Nothing that met our needs, but look at the bargains we found!

Perennials were 75% off. I wanted to grab them all. But I practiced restraint. Do you realize how difficult that was?! I kept reminding myself that it is so late in the season, I'm not sure any of them would winter over. What the heck, we can try a few! I've been covering them at night. It's supposed to get to 16 on Wednesday evening. I figure I'll bury them in mulch for the night... or, I could wrap them in Christmas lights!

So may I introduce you to my bargains:

 Prince Calico Aster

Obedient Plant

Red Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)
This is one of my favorites.
I bought two - wish I had bought a dozen!

Here is another treasure. This was $5. As my hubby keeps saying, you can't buy a bouquet for that. This is so large, it brushes the door as we bring it inside at night! Within the next few days we will plant it, and again, hope it makes it through the winter.


Um... I guess I don't have to worry about burying the
new plants in mulch. This morning they have their own blanket of white!
They are there.... somewhere!
You can see the top edge of a black pot I put 
over one of the Gaillardia. 
Tucker is in the background
as a point of reference!

Unlike last week's storm we had winds, so we have drifts.
The snow is supposed to stop in an hour or so.
Luckily, everything we were planning to do has been cancelled.
We can stay warm and dry... until we go out to 
clear the driveway!


  1. Did you get that mum on the porch steps at Tagawa? If so, I'm headed there as soon as the driving is safe.

  2. Wow! Well, at least it held off until November...

  3. A good day to stay indoors! Great bargain shopping. I hope you told them all to be hardy and survive the winter. At least you can count on the Obedient Plant to follow instructions.

  4. Thanks, Once Upon, clever! I truly hope the plant is obedient!
    Did you guys get much snow?

  5. I love, love, love the blanket flowers. We have several varities where I work. They all come back here in Ohio, so hopefully yours will as well.

  6. Wow, I would have been with you on nearly going nuts with wanting to buy everything! That Red Blanket Flower is exquisite. And the flowers at the front door make your entrance look like a painting! Ugh about the snow!


  7. The blanket flowers are really hardy, and should be fine.
    That snow is not a sight I like to see! We mowed our lawn yesterday, and I sure hope the white stuff holds off for a while yet. Who says Canada is the great white north- we are a lot greener so far!

  8. Geeze look at that snow! I'm so not ready for it. Southern Ohio always gets the first snow in November.

  9. With so much snow so early in the season, you will be more than ready for some sunny R&R in FL & SC during Christmas holiday.


  10. The Obedient Plant is really hard to will spread by underground beware of where you plant it.
    The Gaillardia..or Blanket Flower is easily grown from seed if you lose that one to the weather.
    The mum is beautiful.. we cannot over winter them here.
    Great bargains...usually 2 weeks of decent weather to put on some roots is all it takes with Fall plantings of perennials..but then you got the oh no snow:(


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