Monday, November 21, 2011


Thanks for all of the warm wishes and kind thoughts. 
I am feeling better... I can actually sit up! 
What an accomplishment!

Oh, and my tummy just said, "I'm hungry!"

Today was the day of the deer.
They have been hanging around the house
and tormenting Tucker.

This little doe showed no fear.
She was really quite curious about
the fuzzy, noisy guy.

Hubby took all of the pictures
from our bedroom window.


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Great pix of the deer.

  2. What a lovely view to have from your bedroom...lots jealous here...glad you are feeling better.

    Blessings Kelsie

  3. I can't believe the deer were afraid of your dog. Glad that you are feeling better. :-)

  4. lol are you sure that Tucker wasnt getting a stern lecture from that doe? as in "listen, DOG, Im attracted to that reallly handsome fella buck over there, and if you keep barking, hes gonna lose interest REAL fast in me... SO GO HOME DOG!!!!!" lol

  5. oh and congrats on that sitting up thing - I know what you are talking about there ;) glad you are feeling better!

  6. Wow, Tucker has a tale to tell now.

    So glad you're on the mend. I hope you're all better by Thanksgiving.

  7. How fun to see all those deer. Glad you are feeling better.

  8. I am glad you are on the mend--it is tough being sick.
    And my Dad would like to see those deer; it is hunting season.

    It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising

  9. It's the rut season; Tucker better be careful that buck doesn't take after him. Deer have been known to injure dogs badly.

  10. Poor Tucker the deer are harassing him:(


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