Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Can See Clearly Now....

I  can see clearly now, my new glasses are here,
I can see all obstacles in my way*.
Gone are the scratched, and smudged and paint spotted lenses.
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

It has been three years since I had my eyes checked. My prescription didn't change too much, but it is heavenly to have clear lenses. Also, I splurged and paid for 'transition' lenses so I don't need to change to sunglasses when I go outside. Hooray!

Oh, and by the way, if the sun seems blurry.... it is probably not your eyes!

* Just because I can see "all obstacles in my way" does not mean I won't bump into them, trip over them or hit my head on them!!!


  1. Woo Nothing like new lenses!!! I love my transitions!!

  2. Enjoy your "new" shiny, clean surroundings with your new glasses. The better to pick up manure with. :D


  3. The "eyes" have it!


  4. Glad you are feeling better, glad you can see, and I LOVE those pics of the deer in your last post. Those antlers!!! They must feel safe on your property.

    Cindy Bee

  5. That is one of my favorite songs ever. I'm glad you got your new glasses in time for Thanksgiving. Better to cook with my dear. Have a great day.

  6. Glad you got your new glasses! It could be a bright sunny day or a dark snowy one depending :) I hear ya, just cause you can see doesn't mean you still won't whack yourself or fall over... seeing has nothing to do with that!

  7. Yay! It's amazing how ranch work abuses glasses.
    So glad you're feeling better for Thanksgiving and your family gathering. Bet you're busy busy busy!

  8. Awesome, I just got new ones last week. Didn't do transitions this time, I will regret it. Glad your feeling better.


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