Sunday, November 13, 2011

Out Came the Sun...

And dried up all the mud.
So the itty bitty Haffies
Didn't have to wade through all that crud!

Notice that the leaves are gone off the deciduous trees. 
(On the right and on the left)
Well, after our 35 mph gusts yesterday, 
I guess that's to be expected!

I have five new followers that I'd like to welcome.

First, John Markowsi who writes An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener. John lives in NJ and his goal is to have a beautiful yard in 590 days. Stop by to follow his progress, or maybe just to become inspired to work in your own yard!

Another new follower is Lana from Farm Life Lessons. Lana and her family are planning a move out of suburbia and into the country in Texas. Recently Lana has put up several very informative posts about Australian Shepherds. You gotta know how much I enjoyed those!

PJ writes Seens From the Back of my Eyelids. I am enjoying her eclectic posts. Check out her blog to see what I mean!

Leovi is from Spain and has two Web sites. Both focus on his photography, which is truly awesome. The first is La Fotografia Efectista Abstracta and his other is Black & White Abstracts. Leovi is also a Leonard Cohen fan and has a series of abstracts in his honor. I'm not a huge fan of abstract work, but I can get lost just staring at Leovi's photos. They are very luminescent.

My fifth follower is The Crazy Sheep Lady, who writes four blogs. Four.... can you imagine! I've been following one of her blogs for a while, Punkin's Patch, and I enjoy seeing and reading about her sheep, sheering, spinning and knitting. Just check out how cute the sheep are on her blog, oh, and look for Hank, her Great Pyranees... he's oh, so cool and calm!


  1. Pretty photo. Glad the sun came out and did its job well. That was some crazy wind yesterday. I bet it helped wick some of that moisture outta the mud too. I think half our dry lot is in Kansas now.

  2. Congratulations on your new followers. I love Leovi's photos, they are pretty amazing. I'm glad the mud dried up. It has rained here but not too heavy, so we are OK so far.

  3. Thanks for being so sweet about my need to write lessons I've learned with being an Australian Shepherd owner. And I can't wait to check out the other blogs you mentioned, each sound very interesting. Your tall naked trees still have an eerie beauty to them!

    Happy Sunday!

  4. This is a beautiful shot!! Nice lines too!
    And Nice people to follow you too :)


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