Monday, November 7, 2011

The Crayola House

Our house is colorful! 
It is truly like opening a box of crayons! 
It has the original green and white paint under the soffits and 
on most of the trim. 
It has some tan paint. 
The doors are deep red. 
Some of the trim is a muted white. 
Most of the eaves are a deep greenish-tan. 
Some boards are still unpainted and 
the remaining planks are primed in grey.
They came that way... we didn't prime them.

After having the siding replaced we decided to paint the exterior ourselves.

Not a problem.... 


  • We had to get our other house ready to market.
  • We had reservations and tickets for a trip to San Francisco to see our son.
  • We sold our house and had to move everything and clean the old house.
  • It was too blooming hot.
  • We had to renovate the barn to make more storage.

What? No more excuses?

So, let the painting marathon begin! Maybe not a marathon.... more like let the drudgery begin!

This has been a 'work in progress' for quite a few weeks months now.

After finishing the dormers it was time to tackle the siding and trim on the ends of the house on either side of the breezeway from the garage to the house. That part of the roof is steep and it is high. Mr. Hubby doesn't do steep or high. The construction guys left their 'ladder' for us me to use. However, after putting the extension ladder up and climbing up it, I was a little leery of stepping from the orange ladder (in the picture below) to the roof 'ladder'. Mr. Hubby pointed out that getting on the roof isn't much of a problem, it's getting off. Very wise comments from a guy wise enough not to go up on the roof! I decided that I wasn't comfortable with going from the orange ladder to the roof, so I executed Plan B. I climbed on and off the roof from the bedroom window!

Wishing I had thought to bring the violin...
I could play a littler "Fiddler on the Roof"
The hard part was painting on the other side of this ridge. I learned a secret from the construction guys, though. If you sit or stand on an egg-crate foam mattress pad you don't slip! 

We are close to being finished. Now the challenge will be to find those perfect painting days in between snow storms! We have a bit more that we can reach with the extension ladder and the remaining sections will need to be painted when we rent a boom lift. 

So, what next?

Why, a second coat, of course!!!


  1. You are super woman going out on the roof like that! My husband and a friend painted our house this summer. It used to be red, and now it's grey. He bought this very expensive paint (I think it was Benjamin Moore) and it covered in one coat! Whew!
    You've done a great job with your new home.

  2. You should be very proud of yourselves and all you and Mr. Hubby have accomplished. The house is looking great. My favorite color is...that beautiful blue sky!!! I love deep blue sky.

  3. "If you was a rich man, didle didle dum"...You could have hire it done...Didle Didle dum...If you was a weathy man.

    Ok so you started it by mentioning a fiddle on the roof...Now I am going to have that song stuck in my head all night lol.

    Blessings Kelsie

  4. "If you were a rich (wo)man....ya da de da da da da da da da da da da dum.....All day long you could watch the Professional Painters climbing up and down those ladders."


  5. You put me to shame!

  6. Say, I've got a project for you here in Texas ...

  7. Been there, done that. It's loads of work but it looks great!

  8. Great solution to climbing the ladders! I really like your front porch..and I love the red doors:)


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