Sunday, May 20, 2012

Moving Day

I subscribe to the 'purchase, plunk and plant' method of gardening. 
Sometimes the results are less than what I dreamed of!

Last year I started seeds indoors, 
but when it came time to plant the little seedlings
I had lost many of the name markers. 
That added a bit more of a gamble to my garden.

One plant, in particular, was making me go crazy.
I think it is a 'Butterfly Blue Delphinium"
or maybe it is a wild blue Flax. 
Either way, it grows too big and bushy.
It was planted in the wrong place,
and it has been taking over.

Time for a change!

See the blue fluff taking over the upper part of this garden?

 It's going to move here.... as soon as I can get rid of the weeds!
I've been working on it:
Look, look. See the weeds.
See the pile of weeds on the sidewalk.
See the weeds in the black pot.
Dreaming has been pulling weeds!

 Out with the old!
It's moving day!

 Planted in their new homes.
From a distance (and in the photo)
this area doesn't look much different than it did with the weeds,
but, trust me, it is much nicer looking now.

There are holes in my garden, 
dear reader, 
dear reader...

With what shall I fill them?

This is only the tip of the ice berg!

Time to go plunk and plant!


  1. I've been weeding like a mad woman. It's never ending I tell you. When/if we move I'll have far fewer flower beds. Sometimes I feel as if I'm owned by the gardens.

  2. Holy flowers! We desperately need to weed, but we want to pull up a bunch of flowers that came with our house. We are just waiting for some time. . .

  3. Looking good..if it is Flax which I think it may be..the flowers only last a day..but are quickly replaced by others! :)

  4. Nice!
    I justify my gardening mess by telling people it's my Test Garden. I'm figuring out what will grow here, and then I'll think about design. Someday.

  5. I have a slightly different method of planting, the Darwinian Method, i.e., if it grows, I plant more of it. This comes with a minor caveat, I am going to hack and burn some stuff that came with the place that wants to TAKE OVER THE WORLD... So keep up the planting. If you just want some seasonal color, I like petunias...


  6. We're had a week of cool, overcast weather; however, I've only *thought* about weeding. Too bad my reading material was more appealing! Regardless, I plan to begin weeding this week --- just in time for the sunshine & 90+ degree heat! :-(


  7. We are certain that your garden will be beautiful once its done. You know exactly what you want and don't want, and where. We wish we had your gift, but we haven't much garden to play around with, anyway.

    The blue flowers will probably look really lush once they fill up their new space:)

  8. Oh, how pretty! Beautiful layout & colours. Nice project you have going! I sure wish I could do that right now. I am enjoying seeing everything my husband planted coming back to life! Being on over the road trucker now, sadly, he is missing it. He is the one with the green thumb.

  9. What a lovely garden! We're not going to talk about the current state of mine (scary stuff, that *wince*). Those blue flowers are very pretty - I have Plumbago as my blue (it's almost a periwinkle). It is happily hogging my upper bed ;o)

  10. That is blue flax, and it does tend to take over; plant it in a contained area and it should be ok. I spent a lot of money at the greenhouses this year, I bought a lot of perennials for two flower gardens that I expanded. But it'll be so worth it!


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