Friday, May 25, 2012

Driven by the Slave Driver

I first met the "Slave Driver" several years ago. I met her in Blogland, and began following her blog, Confessions of a Slave Driver. Slave Driver has many interesting sides to herself, one of which is being a carriage driver in Salt Lake City. During our recent trip, when I posted something about Park City, Slave Driver left me a wonderful comment with all kinds of suggestions for things to do and see. She also explained that she'd be working "at the south gate". She meant that she would be among the carriage drivers who park at the south side of Temple Square. How cool is that? Hubby and I had already planned to visit the Family History Library, which is right there, so we could arrange to be at the south gate.... and we were!

The weather was supposed to be rainy, windy and cold. But, somehow, the "Slave Driver" has connections. The clouds parted. The sun came out and we had a delightful carriage ride around Temple Square.

In this picture "Slave Driver" is filling us in on some interesting tidbit about the area, while she drives Charlie maneuvers through traffic all on his own!

Here is a rare sighting of Dreaming with Charlie and Slave Driver.

Slave Driver is an author. Dreaming has read her Kindle edition of  "Splitting the Difference",  a delightful love story. If you love horses, and love romance, you'll love this sweet story. 

While we visited with her, Slave Driver, aka Lisa Deon, proudly showed me a copy of "The Carriage Trade". This full-length novel is soon to be released. Lisa has not only written the novel (and more of this will be shared in a later post) but she did the art work for the cover. Look for this soon:


  1. How cool! You really get to do the most awesome things and meet the neatest people!

  2. It is so cool when we can put a "real" face to a blogger voice.

  3. I had a great time meeting you and Mr. Dreaming (if that, in fact, is his real name...) Remember, next time I'm putting you to work. Oh, and I blogged about you too.

  4. Way cool! It is always nice to meet a fellow blogger:)

  5. What a treat to know someone driving in SLC! And, she's a writer!!



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