Monday, May 14, 2012

500 Miles

We left the house, not so bright and early, 
and drove 540 miles to Park City, UT. 
(OK, I know I said 500 in the title, but that's because
540 sounded strange as a title and
I couldn't help but think of songs with '500 miles' in them!)

Hubby is the designated driver. He doesn't do 'passenger' very well. 

So, I took pictures. 
Played games. 
Read and 
tried to find radio stations.
(There are parts of Wyoming with nothing!)

I wiggled. 
I sifted through the glove box and 
changed settings on the phone. 

I had a chance to read email and
wiggled some more. 

I guess I don't do passenger well either! 


  1. I like that drive, but it is pretty empty at spots. We have XM radio, because there are more parts of the country that are radioless than you'd think. Did you try for AM stations? Let the adventures begin! Vacation!

    1. It is empty... but it is beautiful in its starkness.
      I don't blame you for having XM radio. We were able to find something on FM at all times, but perhaps not our preferred music styles.

  2. I'm working tonight. If you're still in Utah and have the time stop by the South Gates of Temple Square and introduce yourself.

    1. Are you working any other night... or day? I would love, love, love to meet you!

  3. Wishing you a fun and safe trip!

  4. My husband once took me from Big Piney Wyoming to Odgen Utah to the Prairie Schooner at 445 Park Blvd for dinner. What fun that was! Only 198 miles but it was a night we always remember!
    Have fun!:)

    1. Uh, yeah... that's a long way to go for dinner! And, we used to complain about a 45 minute trip to a restaurant from our old home!

  5. Long drive for sure. Hope you have a safe and fun adventure.

  6. Safe travels! BTW, I thought that "out west" folks measured distance by drive time rather than mileage.


    1. You are probably right.... but being a transplanted Yankee turned Southern Belle, I guess I'm too stuck on the Eastern ways!


What thoughts do you have?

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