Thursday, May 5, 2011


I can see the promise of spring - finally!

Swelling buds on our Austrian Pine

Brave Iris peaking up through the soil....
And look, a flower!
Sadly, that sweet purple flower is Redstem filaree.
It is on the Colorado noxious weed "B" list.
Please, oh please, don't tell the weed control guy that
I have it in my garden!!!
Well,'s gone now. I just pulled it out by the roots!
I promise...

The promise of blossoms on our Canada Red Cherry

This is an Easter Lily I planted years ago...
Well, better late than never I always say!

Part of my future garden...

A Zinnia gets ready to bloom!
I think it's rushing the season!

Cucumber blossoms in the basement!

Young life...
A promise of the flowers to come.

 Find out what's happening with other folks interested in plants and animals. 


  1. My irises have come and gone. The yuccas are flowering, but Daltrey ate the tops off many of them. Or should I say, bit the tops off, then spit them out. Come of the indigenous cacti are also flowering. I don't plant stuff because I take zero joy in maintenance.

  2. I love spring with all the plants renewing themselves! My plants are fairing ok with the terrible drought we are having in Texas. I have to water more.

  3. Spring is so fun for gardener's! I love finding bulbs/plants I either forgot I planted or that Ma Nature helped replant sparingly.

  4. It really is here I finally think. Spring can't leave us now. I love all your blossoms in the basement.

  5. Great pics but what is a noxious weed "B" list???

    Just wondering.



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