Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Stills: Looking High, Looking Low

This week's challenge was to get low and shoot up at an object or get directly over the object and shoot down. Here is a trip to the barn from another perspective:

Our small Austrian Pine... decked with snow on May 15!

What you can't see is mama Robin looking down at me from her 
nest at the peak of the barn.



For more views from above or below visit Sunday Stills


  1. Snow in May, lucky you. Like the shot up the ladder or lift. The shot of the gear on the wall is pretty neat too.

  2. Doc and Pippin look like mini dolls in a toy stable from that angle.

  3. differnt view of things. I liked the bridle shot and the chain shot best.

  4. I liked them all so much there was no favorite. You did a GREAT job.

  5. Dreaming, did you get the email from the Colorado Department of Ag about Equine Herpevirus? If not, drop me your email address at and I'll forward it to you.

  6. I really, really, really love your selection of photos this week. I can't even choose a favorite. The chain and the bridles are both really awesome in my opinion. Great job!

  7. Unique horse shots! My favorite shot however is the chain, it's got great perspective!

  8. you did a great job. Love the bridle shot and the chain!

  9. Nice perspective in your pictures. The boys look so cute from above.

  10. Great job, I liked all of your shots. :)


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