Monday, May 2, 2011

The Project: Week 15 - K is for Kitchen

What a difference kitchen counters make! The house almost looks like a home! I'm getting excited about moving in - still a few weeks off, but it's close closer.

This week we:
  • had the granite kitchen countertops installed. 
  • contacted the granite company and arranged for them to return to fix a problem: We were disappointed that the slabs on either side of the stove had grain running in different directions. The more we thought about it (and thought about what we paid for the granite) the more upset we became. We sent a picture to the company and they will be replacing a slab next week.
  • planted a few shrubs. I shoveled and raked the rocks away from a 4' X 6' area, replaced the weed cloth, planted the shrubs and replaced the rocks. That was tough work! I only have a whole bunch more to go. This house has a lot of 'rock' landscaping!
  • picked out the tile and almost finished tiling the back splash for the kitchen (we can't tile where they are going to replace the granite counter)
  • sealed the kitchen tile (it is very rough rustic travertine and we were concerned that the grout might be absorbed and change the color or the sheen of the stone
  • grouted most of the kitchen tile
  • grouted the bathtub surround
  • began fencing an area for Tucker to run
  • hooked up the disposal and the sink drain in the kitchen. We have running water!


    1. All of this looks sooooo good. Is there a possibility that you & Scott can spend a couple of months updating my kitchen & baths? And --- help with landscaping & replacing carpeting with hardwood flooring would be appreciated, too!


    2. Looking good! I would have been upset with the granite company also. Glad they are going to correct the mistake!

    3. Your new home is just beautiful! Looking forward to a post on Pippin and Doc's new crib.

    4. Wow you're kitchen is looking great. Keep us posted on the granite situation.

      Cindy Bee

    5. Wow! Your kitchen is very beautiful!

    6. If you are going to have should be perfect..and the installer should have known the difference. Your kitchen is going to be lovely. I like your travertine back splash..I have slate and love it:)


    What thoughts do you have?

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