Sunday, May 8, 2011

Conversations With Mom

The best conversations with mothers always take place in silence, 
when only the heart speaks. 
                                                    -Carrie Latet

I find myself speaking to my mom frequently,
and often, I can hear her answers.

Love you, and miss you!

Mom and me. Shopping at Harbour Town 
on Hilton Head Island, SC. ~1975
What did we buy? What were we talking about?
Why do I look so serious?

It is one thing to be with your mom, yet entirely different to BE a mom. 
Love my boys and love being a mom!

From the times when they were young: 

to the time when they were ready to leave the nest:

and forever!

Thank you, CS and D, for letting me be your mom!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone.


  1. Oh, You said it so well!
    loved the look back upon your lovely mom and boys!
    Hope you get to hug them today!


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