Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch: Great Deal

It's time to chat on the farmhouse porch again! And we are beginning to have porch weather, too. Wouldn't it be fun to sit down with a cuppa (your choice) and chat with each other? Each week Patrice, author of 'Everyday Rurality" poses a few questions. We can respond and link to Patrice's blog, then hob to other sites to read other's responses. That's way cool!

1. Who do you go to when you really need someone to talk to about something important?
What a great question!! I usually run everything by my hubby. If not him, then I'll talk to my best friend, my soul sister, MJ. For many years my horses have been the 'go to' people. I can tell then anything and they never repeat it to anyone!

2. How often do you grill food outdoors?
I am the 'griller' in our family. I start grilling when the temperatures warm up a bit... I think my first time this year was in late March. I'll probably continue grilling into November. I LOVE grilled food! When the weather is too bad for going outside to grill, I use my 'smokeless' grill inside.

3. What's the interior color of your car/truck/van?
Hmmmm....What is it? Oh, yeah. My car has a tan interior. Our truck's interior is gray, peppered with red merle Aussie hairs!!

4. What's the last great buy you got?
I think I'd have to say our refrigerator. As we were considering redoing the kitchen we began stopping by stores to look at appliances and prices. One night we stopped by a big-box home fixer-upper store. They had a french door Samsung with water and ice in the door with a flyer on it announcing an unbelievable price. We went home, looked around on the Internet and discovered just how good the price was. We called the store and bought the fridge right then and there. When we went the next day to have them finish the billing process the department head had to check with corporate for billing as the price was not in their system. Apparently the appliance manufacturer's salesman had put the flyer on the fridge and had not checked with the store. So, we were in the right place at the right time and got a great deal.

5. What's new? 
The biggest change coming is the 'what if' if we actually do sell the horses. They are going for a 'tune up' in June and could be sold anytime after than date. If the horses sell, we will suddenly be able to leave the homestead and travel a bit. That is 'hugely' new! 

You can chat with me by responding to one or more questions in the comments. Or, to read what others have to say, hop over to Everyday Rurality and visit other blogs on the hop.


  1. Dog hair is the color of your truck interior! lol The refrigerator sounds like a great buy. I had no idea you were thinking of selling the boys. I hope they can stay together. I hope you have a good week!

  2. Not up for chatting today, but I wanted you to know that I stopped by and read your post. It always makes me happy when blogger friends leave comments, so I want to do the same.

  3. I have a wonderful husband I always talk to him or my best friend Susan..she is a gem.
    We grill lots..I have a stove with a grill but we hardly ever use it..just use the one simple to grill something and add a salad for a meal! My kind of cooking! My husband is in charge of the grill!!!
    Grey here too with Border Collie Black and White accents..I did get a cover for the back seat..finally!
    Last great deal..most likely a big jar of Skippy Peanut Butter for 6.99 it zoomed up in price and is almost double at the local grocery store.
    What's new..busy busy. I am looking forward to Sunday cause it is a day off:)

    I enjoyed your answers..and I hope it all works out with your boys:)


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