Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Off the Beaten Path

B is for Book
.... and for Benson
.... and for Bats
(This month I will be participating in the A to Z Blogger Challenge. Each day my post will be inspired by successive letters of the alphabet. Click here to see links to other responses to this challenge.)

At our advancing ages it is sometimes difficult to find gifts for each other. We don't need more 'stuff'! So, as Christmas approached I wracked my brain to find something that was useful and something that might be a bit of a surprise for Mr. Dreamy. I decided a travel book might work. I visited our local bookstore and perused the books on the shelves. "Off the Beaten Path" was one that caught my eye. What I like about the book is that it has a section for each state in the US, arranged alphabetically. The opening page for each state has a map with numbers for each suggested place to see. A brief description about each suggested venue follows. This helps me 'see' where each suggested attraction is located in relationship to where we are driving. More than once the book has led us to an adventure we might have missed otherwise.

Benson, Arizona was one of those adventures. We were driving west, heading for Casa Grande, AZ, where we planned to meet some of our friends. Our timing was off. If we continued to our final destination we would arrive after dark. Something we detest. In looking through the book I found a reference to the Kartchner Caverns State Park and their cavern tours. A quick check online provided more information. (I LOVE the fact that I can access the Internet and all of its information with our iPad while we travel down the road!) I was able to make reservations for a site at the campground, as well as reservations for a tour of the "Big Room".

This is one of two tours at Kartchner Caverns. This particular tour is only available during winter months as this cave is a maternity ward for bats. In addition to the awesome cave formations, the guide pointed out areas where the bats will roost through the summer months.

B is for Beautiful, too!

Soda straw formations.

A typical camp site at the park.

Gypsy and Tucker on the loop trial in the park.
They were very impatient and wouldn't wait for
me to take a decent photo... 
nor would they turn around and smile at the camera!

This is a map of our 2.7 mile trek on the trail.
The trail actually goes around the hill where the caverns are located.


  1. What a cool book! I am going to love your a-z blogs. And not sure if I ever mentioned. . .Zephyrs is the name of my barn :)

  2. What a great book and what an interesting place to visit. I'm so glad you are doing the A to Z this year.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Great photos!

    (Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge)

  5. Very amazing pictures and wonderful B's.

  6. Hi Cyndi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog lately-I wish I had gotten a chance to meet you and Terry before I left Colorado...but we hope to be back this summer so maybe we will get to set up a short visit at some point :)

    I love the book you got-that sounds wonderful! And I love what an adventure you are having! We are considering getting a little RV so that we can travel more comfortably with our 4 pack. What fun to see all of the places you have been visiting! I hope you and Mr. Dreamy and the pups are having a lovely evening.
    Woofs and whinnies from all of us,
    Sue and the DVR crew

  7. Hi Cyndi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog lately-I wish I had gotten a chance to meet you and Terry before I left Colorado...but we hope to be back this summer so maybe we will get to set up a short visit at some point :)

    I love the book you got-that sounds wonderful! And I love what an adventure you are having! We are considering getting a little RV so that we can travel more comfortably with our 4 pack. What fun to see all of the places you have been visiting! I hope you and Mr. Dreamy and the pups are having a lovely evening.
    Woofs and whinnies from all of us,
    Sue and the DVR crew

  8. Darn! I tried to comment and it got deleted-I will try again :)

    Hi Cyndi! So nice of you to have dropped by and visited my blog lately! I wish I had been lucky enough to meet you and Terry before leaving CO...we plan to return this summer so maybe we'll get a chance to make a visit then.

    Sounds like a wonderful adventure you are on! I love the book and the ideas it has brought your way-how neat! I love that you are on the road with Mr Dreamy and the pups-a great way to spend a few months!

    Sending lots of woofs and whinnies!
    Sue and the DVR crew


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