Friday, April 12, 2013

K as in Kamping

(This month I will be participating in the A to Z Blogger Challenge. Each day my post will be inspired by successive letters of the alphabet.  My A to Z Blog Challenge topics are inspired by our recent 90-day trip on our motorhome. Click here to see links to other responses to this challenge.)

is for KOA

Even if you have never camped, you have probably seen the distinctive signs for a KOA Campground. 

There are over 475 campgrounds in the US and Canada that sport this sign, indicating that they are a member of the organization and that their campground meets certain criteria established by the company. In our experiences KOA's are convenient, clean, and safe. The staff are generally extremely helpful and kind. Most KOA's are staffed by Work Kampers. These are folks who manage different aspects of the campground for the owner in exchange for free hookup while they are there. There are no surprises when you camp at KOA, which can be a good thing! 
KOA campgrounds are usually very convenient to the highway. The downside to this is that highway noise might disturb your peaceful slumber. They tend to cost a bit more, per night, but a 10% discount is available if you purchase an annual Value Card for $24. 
KOA maintains a website that allows users to learn more about campgrounds in their system, see what amenities are available, check rates and reserve sites. The website includes pictures of each campground so one can get a feel for the place before arrival. 

Tucker & Gypsy playing at a KOA campground

It is a challenge to get a picture of two herding dogs at play.
Most of my pictures look like this:


  1. LOL I felt very connected with this post! Stayed at lots of KOA's - some very good ones too.

  2. A million years ago my friend and I took a road trip across the U.S. We mostly stayed at KOA campgrounds and loved them (most of them)! If it weren't for KOA, we probably wouldn't have been able to afford that trip!

  3. I've not been camping for years but it would be a great way for me to see more of the US and at least I know where to look for the best campsites now. Your doggies look like they are having a lot of fun :)

  4. I didn't know they were still around!

  5. Bet your dogs had a blast (you too!). Agreed, trying to get two active dogs in the same frame is close to impossible.

  6. Is there a KOA campground in each of the 50 states? What type of camping does KOA accomodate --- tent, travel trailer, RV, &/or???


    1. Oh, dear, your questions made me feel like I messed up the answer to a question in school! None in Hawaii or Alaska.
      Not only can KOAs accommodate all types of camping, but they also have Kamper Kabins for rent.

  7. Oh the challenge of trying to capture fast moving critters with a camera! Tucker and Gypsy are so cute!


What thoughts do you have?

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