Saturday, April 27, 2013


X is for Xylography


the art of engraving on wood, or of printing from such engravings.
1810–20;  < French xylographie.  See xylo--graphy

It began with a Christmas gift. My son saw some interesting stamp sets as he was shopping. He knows of my love for card making, which often involves stamping. He also knows of my love for mountains, forests, and farms.

The stamps traveled with us. 
Along with paper and ink pads. 
The stamps were taken out....

of the motorhome when we arrived home. They had not been used. Time to get busy! I knew what I wanted to do, I just needed to do it. So, I brought out my beginner's kit for making my own stamps and made a crude stamp of our motorhome. OK, so it isn't xylography in its truest sense... but it comes close!

Now, I can put myself in all of those pictures of the mountains, and forests and farms! I want to make some cards representing our travels that I can send to friends, especially those we saw along the way.

Maybe now that I am getting near the end of the A to Z challenge 
I'll find more time for this project.

Wanna take bets on that?!!


  1. Wonderful idea. I use to play at carving...

  2. Hi Dreaming! I'm not quite sure how all this works, but I have given you a Liebster Award on my blog! Louise

  3. Sounds like a great hobby, if you find the time.

    1. I enjoy it, so perhaps I should find the time!

  4. I love your X! You are Xtra crafty ;D
    Wonderful X~

  5. What a cool gift! It looks like something I'd enjoy.

  6. That's great. love the artwork!

  7. What a great gift! I love presents that really engage you, force you to do something you may not have tried otherwise.

    1. My son is a very thoughtful gift giver. He delights in finding something that is just right for the person.

  8. Thanks for including a definition, I needed one! I didn't know this about you. I'm a card stamper (when I have time...) as well - altho not a carver. If you are ever looking for inexpensive rubber material to carve, try "white art erasers". A co-worker made a stamp for me, and the material works well. They are found in art stores, and come in different sizes. Have you heard of Stampscapes? May not be your style, but they take scenery to a new level. I love everything about them! Tons of info & video online. Hope you'll post some samples of your cards, happy stamping!!

    1. Thanks for the tip. I had heard about using the pink pearl erasers. Stampscapes? I'll have to look into that - when I find the time ;-)

  9. Looks like a great project!! Show us the results..we are patient! :)

  10. Looks great! I didn't know that word before now either...I enjoy stuff like that too. Love the idea of your cards to send to family. Very cute :)


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