Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Perfect Place

P is for the Perfect Place

Finding the perfect place to park is not an easy task. I spend hours locating campgrounds on our travels.  Mr. Dreamy once accused me of playing games the whole time he was driving. Hmmph! I was offended. For, in fact, I was researching campgrounds. There are many resources at my fingertips, both in print and online. I search with Google, check directories and look at campground reviews.

Campground Directories:

Good Sam's Club

$25/annual membership
10% discount at participating campgrounds, magazine, trip routing
Harvest Hosts
$40/annual membership
provides access to lists of wineries, farms and other businesses that will allow you to park for the night at no cost
$24/annual membership
10% discount at participating campgrounds, manual available
Passport America

$44/annual membership
half price at member campgrounds, restrictions often apply, directory available
Reserve America
manages reservations for  many State and Federal campgrounds (including COE, BLM                        and National parks) as well as parks from other agencies.
State Publications   
Most states have travel guides available at the Welcome Center. Some guides are specific for camping & RV Travel, others have sections dedicated to camping. Don't neglect to pick up State Park guides. 
Thousand Trails     
Begins at $525/ annual pass
Regional membership RV park. Also called Encore. Free parking within the region.
Trailer Life             
Free online access
The printed manual is now combined with Woodall's and Good Sam's

Free online access, app available for iPhone or iPad
Printed directory recently combined with Trailer Life and sold under the Good Sam title. We have a free Woodall's App for the iPad that I use.

(I know there are more... do you have one that you use that I should add to my arsenal?)

I am always interested in what other travelers have to say about campgrounds. So, once I've found one or two campgrounds that look promising, I check out reviews by other campers. I also contribute my reviews of places we stay to RV Park Reviews.

Campground Rating Web sites - voluntary reporting by campers

Camped There          

RV Buddy         
RV Park Reviews

Another invaluable resource that we have used for years is called, "The Next Exit". This is only available in print. The book lists just about everything that is available at every exit of every Interstate in the US. The list includes gas stations, restaurants, hotels, hospitals and sometimes other things, such as campgrounds. This book has saved us on more than one occasion. If you travel on the Interstates frequently, this is a must have! It is updated annually and only occasionally has the information been incorrect.

Do you camp? 
Do you have favorite resources that you use?

Oh, and did you notice my new pages on the bar on the right? One of the pages lists my favorite parks!


  1. Hi Dreaming! I am in awe of your resources and how you have displayed them! Nicely done!!! I have no clue how you do what you do in your sidebar. I have to spend more time learning how to do all this stuff, because it adds so much to the look of your blog. I used to love to camp, and I have done so under some harsh conditions ~ now I am a road trip with a comfy hotel bed kind of gal. My favorite resource is my hubby. I thinks he's like you, because when we go somewhere he has researched and planned out everything ~ right down to the restaurant specials. I'm more like I want to do these three things, after that surprise me! I want to walk into a new situation with eyes wide open and few preconceptions. Thank God I have Terry! Have a good one.

  2. Useful advice for those who live in motor homes. Hope you're enjoying the AZ challenge so far!

    Look forward to the rest of your challenge posts!
    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media


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