Wednesday, April 10, 2013


(This month I will be participating in the A to Z Blogger Challenge. Each day my post will be inspired by successive letters of the alphabet.  My A to Z Blog Challenge topics are inspired by our recent 90-day trip on our motorhome. Click here to see links to other responses to this challenge.)

I is for Iron

As we drove through Alabama on our trek home we chose to stay at Tannehill Ironworks State Park. What a find! The park has 195 camping sites and trails throughout. There are a number of restored rustic log cabins, residences from the 1800's, that have been moved to the park. Some are used as rentals, others are used for craft days.
The park is on the site of the Tannehill Ironworks, the birthplace of iron and steel manufacturing in this area of our country.

Restored stone furnace

There is a superb museum on site that tells more about the ironworks and the history of iron and steel production in Alabama. It includes many wonderful artifacts from the 19th century iron industry in Alabama.

We would love to come back here again and explore some more!


  1. The Swedish economy was based on its iron production for many years, so this was interesting to me. I would never have thought of Alabama in this context.

    1. Inger, that is exactly what I thought. Our journey was an eye-opening experience as I discovered things, like this, that I never associated with an area.

  2. I had to quickly google the place and check out their website. A visit here may be in my future. Thanks! ~~Emmly Jane

  3. Interesting post. I love finding places like that. Nice pics too.

    Visiting you from A to Z


  4. Cool..or Hot! Interesting place for sure! :)

  5. Me again..Candice just sang she was really good tonight:)

  6. Very interesting!
    David and I went to high school in rural Maryland near an old iron furnace. Now it's become a living heritage museum, Furnace Town.

  7. I never know what you are going to come up with, Dreaming! But it is always I for Interesting!


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