Tuesday, April 16, 2013

National Park Passport

N is for National

The National Park Service has a nifty little Passport book that you can purchase at any one of the 397 National Parks. Did you know there were that many National Parks? I certainly didn't!

The book includes a map of the US showing the location of each park. The book is broken down into regions. Each National Park has a cancellation stamp that visitors may use, at no cost, to document their visit. The stamp names the park and the date. 

This is my page for our visit to Casa Grande in Arizona.

Colorful stamps with pictures and information about each park may also be purchased to add to your Passport. I think it is fun to document visits in this way... and I like to think my purchases may support our wonderful National Park system, at least a little bit!


  1. Hi Dreaming! When Terry retires, I'm sure we will get a National Park passport. I love our national parks! The first American one I spent any time at was Zion, and I saw it first at night, under the light of the full moon. It remains my favorite and has a strong pull on my heart. My favorite Canadian one is Gros Morne in Newfoundland. It's very remote and geological! You can walk on the mantle! Stay warm ~ it is freezing outside exacerbated by a bitter wind!

  2. National parks are national treasures. Good to know about the passport.

  3. Ooh I love the little stamps you get. It makes me want to attempt to visit all the parks some day.

  4. How wonderful!

    Hope you get to enter every stamp in that book.

  5. That's so much fun. What a clever idea. Well done National Parks Service.

    Happy A to Z blogging.

  6. I didn't know that until recently, it's amazing!


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