Monday, July 16, 2012

Waking Up In Nebraska

Pippin and Doc are at their new home in Nebraska. As sad as I was am will always be to sell them, I was thrilled to meet their new owner. He was tickled pink to finally have a team of Haflingers. His smile was a mile wide and he was so very proud of his new horses, the buttons on his shirt were about to pop! He and his wife have been looking for a team for a while. They have a number of horses of varying ages and have ridden and driven for years. They are in their mid 40's and have two sons in their 20's. The sons will use the horses to move cows now and then. Tee hee. I'd love to watch that! Doc and I played with a calf one time. Doc was beginning to understand that I wanted him to shadow the cow and move it. Pippin just wanted to eat the cows! The new owners also want to drive in parades and in gymkhanas in their small community. It sounds like Pippin and Doc will have a wonderful life; they will have a job to do, but won't have to work too terribly hard. Perfect!
So, (sniffle...snort...hiccup) I'll move on to the next chapter of my life, cherishing my wonderful memories... and dream about the future!
In gazing into my crystal ball, I see some travel - and I'm excited about that. We will be heading to Idaho and Oregon in the next few weeks with our camper - the camper that has been in storage since the horses took over the barn! Then maybe we'll swing home via Washington, Montana and Wyoming. (Any Blog friends out there who live in those areas, who want to meet for coffee or whatever, please leave a comment - it would be great fun to connect.) I have a High School reunion in the northeast coming up later in the fall, and we are combining that with a trip, involving a large vessel and water, to celebrate our anniversary... 40 years! Holy Cow! How did that happen so fast?!


  1. I am so sad and happy at the same time! Sad I will not get to hear Doc and Pippin stories and happy that they seem to have a great new home with lots to do! Happy for you that you get to travel around! So much fun!!
    I do have one burning question. . .any new Haflingers in your future?

  2. I'm happy that Pippin and Doc were purchased by a nice man who loves them already. Sounds like it all worked out perfectly. Enjoy your summer activities! Sounds like you have a lot of fun planned.

  3. Sad news, but it sounds like you found a perfect home for them!

  4. You see some travel in the future, maybe like to a certain farm I know of in Ontario? Or up to Alaska? :)
    I'm so glad you got to meet Pippin and Docs new owners and that they are good people who seem like they are going to offer a great home to them, and will keep in touch. That makes it a lot easier on the heart.

  5. Oh, I am glad they got a super home!! Yeahhh!!!!

  6. Sounds like the boys are going to be enjoying a lovely, loved life. Know your going to miss them, we will too. So happy you got to meet their new people.
    Hubs would be jealous of your travel, one thing he doesn't enjoy about having Camryn at home is the lack of travel for us.

  7. Sounds like a great new home for the boys! I am happy/sad for you..I will miss their antics. You still have the therapy riding to help with..that will keep you near some horses. With the shortage of hay this may be tough economic times for many horse owners.
    Your travel plans sound good! :)

  8. Oh my, you sold the boys?! I had no idea! I am sure the decision wasn't made lightly. Glad they are going to a good home.

  9. Great that you got to meet the new owners and sounds like you couldn't have found a better home. Have fun in your travels!

  10. Happy to hear that Doc and Pippin went to a home where they will be well taken care of and have a useful purpose that will keep their clever and smart mind busy.
    Now that you have so much more time on your hands not having to take care of horses, I bet you are feeling a lot of freedom. Happy travels to you!



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