Sunday, July 15, 2012

Marriage Made in Heaven

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night, nor puppy dogs and buried treasures, nor kitties and buried... never mind, stays these flowers from the completion of their appointed rounds...

Despite our terrible hail storm in June and the drought and heat that has followed, parts of my garden are looking colorful, if not a bit ragged. Last year I started Hollyhocks from seed and plunked them in the garden. Generally Hollyhocks are biennials, so they don't bloom until their second year. What fun to see them flower this year.

I have a beautiful single blossomed beauty, 
that looks just like her mother!

Here is a lovely double bloom, that also looks like those 
from a plant at my old home.

 Evidently there was a bit of hanky panky going on in the garden!
This must be their child, with traits from both parent flowers!

Isn't she lovely?

And more Hollyhocks...

Years ago we were given this old ancient painted mirror. We're not even sure who gifted it to us. It sat in a stack of paintings in a closet at one home. It was under the bed at another home. It wasn't loved or appreciated. When we moved to our new home and came across the mirror, a Cinderella phenomenon occurred . I'm not certain if it was the colors that attracted me, or that I now grow Hollyhocks, or that painted mirrors seem to be making a revival, but I fell in love with the mirror. It now hangs in our front entry. 


  1. How cool! The mirror was just waiting for the right time to make an appearance!
    Very pretty flowers!

  2. Beautiful flowers. Amazing how wonderful they look after all they've been through.

    I wish I could say the same for me.

  3. You have some tough flowers in your garden and pretty too. The mirror is beautiful and how great that you rescued it.

  4. Wow, love that mirror!
    Wish I could grow hollyhocks, they just aren't happy in all our shade.

  5. Beautiful flowers...and I see your pup in that mirror shot.

  6. Very pretty Hollyhocks!! I have a hard time growing them you are doing good! :)


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