Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Challenge of a Card Challenge

Brenda has issued a card challenge
The idea is that we are to use this picture as inspiration 
and create a greeting card. 
We are to share our card in a post and link to Brenda's page,
2 Peas in a Pod.
I'm thinking I might forego the card making
and just make the M&M bark instead!
I want Brenda, and all of my readers, to get an idea of just how much of a challenge this was for me. It's not about making the card. I love making cards, and have done so for a few years. 
The challenge began with finding my card making stuff. I haven't touched it since we moved last year. It was someplace in the dungeon basement. In 2 or 3 boxes. I found the boxes and dug through them to find most everything. 
1 hour

I carried the papers, two baskets of tools and embellishments and a container of scrap papers to the kitchen. Then trucked back down to the basement to find my stamps, stamp pads and embossing powder.
15 minutes

I couldn't find my card stock. I knew I had just the right color of blue - but after searching through a few more boxes I gave up. Time to head for Hobby Lobby. Since I had some other errands to run, it was not a big deal. 
2 hours 15 minutes
Home at last! I pull out my purchase; three whole sheets of paper; a piece of blue card stock and two decorative pieces of scrapbook paper following the color theme of the picture Brenda supplied. I cut the card stock and began fiddling with the other paper. I had in mind what I wanted to do... now it's time to get down to work. I begin looking through the basket that has sticky stuff, embellishments and punches. I am looking for my star punch and I can't seem to find it. I head back downstairs and sift through two of the packing cartons - it's like trying to find a needle in the haystack. I decide that I could use a slightly larger star punch anyway, so I climb into the car to head back to Hobby Lobby.
20 minutes

I walk into the store and bump into one of my good friends. She is also a Haffie owner, so of course, you know what we were talking about! Then I head to the back of the store, find the punch, pull up the discount coupon on my phone and I'm on my way.
58 minutes
I cut out stars, cut lengths of fishing line, glue stars together - all while watching listening to America's Got Talent. 
 2 hours
It's another day and I get to work again, first clearing space on the kitchen table (which I had cluttered with my craft stuff last night, and had to clear up so we could eat dinner) and sorting out what I would need. I snip and cut, I try pieces of paper this way and that way, I cut some more. I grab a glue stick, some glue dots, some double sided tape and begin the process of sticking little bits of paper to my finger tips. 
45 minutes

I stamp a design on the card stock and sprinkle the embossing power on it. I heat the design until the powder does its magical transformation. I add some red jewels and complete the construction of the card.
15 minutes
I run upstairs to find my invitation size envelopes (yeah, you'd think they would be in the basement with the card making supplies - but at least I knew were they were - and just consider the exercise I am getting running up and down the stairs!) I cut paper to line the envelope and glue it in place.
10 minutes

I sort out, clean up and throw out. I take everything back to the boxes in the basement.
15 minutes
I decide to write a post about this challenge. I sit down at the computer. I get up to take pictures - but first have to wait for my phone to charge. I do the math. I invested approximately 7 hours, 58 minutes making the card. Rounding this up to 8 hours, and figuring that you might pay $4.98 for the average 'nice' card, my hourly rate for card making is..... a whopping $ .62 per hours. I guess I better stick to my day job. Oh, wait, I'm retired! Maybe I'll need to rely on my card-making money!
So, anyway, here is my finished card. My sister's Birthday is next week. I decided to make a card to celebrate that occasion.

Have a Star Spangled Birthday!


  1. WOW !! That is beautiful!!!

  2. I am going to tell you the card was worth every minute of your time! I have not made a card in at least a year. I have become a lazy card maker. I think you sis is going to love it. Thanks for stopping by and I will take yours and Cindy's suggestion and try to figure out how to add the books I have read and shared on my sidebar.....It will take me approximately 8

  3. Wow! The card looks so good; however, your sister will value it because you crafted it. I have a card you made for me. I'll send you a photo. I sure hope that it didn't take 8 hours!!

    BTW, I use pre-made cards sent to me by American Heart Assoc. & other groups as Ashley's Hallmark Store closed last winter. Now it is either cards from the grocery store or cards from a charity. No, I am NOT crafty enough to make cards. Unlike you, I have little imagination & no tools; besides, card-making would cut into my reading time.


  4. Well done!!!


  5. What a beautiful card, Cindy! I agree, it was worth every minute of your time! Thank you so much for participating. Good luck! Hugs Brenda

  6. Your card is beautiful! I think your sister will be very pleased. I think all the time and effort put into finding your stuff and making your card was well worth it. Thank you for participating in the challenge. Good luck! Hugs Brenda

  7. Cyndi, I have extended the Fourth of July challenge until Aug. 8th. Please go back to that page and upload your card with the InLinkz blue bar. Thanks for your participation. Hugs Brenda

  8. Thank you Cyndi for submitting your card. It is very pretty and I wish you good luck! Hugs Brenda

  9. Cindy, Please send me your address. I would like to send a little something for participating in my challenge. I sorry there wasn't enough to enter to warrent having a drawing. Hugs


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