Monday, July 16, 2012

Gypsy Jabber

I don't like thunder.

D'ya think I'll be safe here?
My new mom told me to welcome her new followers....
I'm I guess I understand that.
Being new means not always knowing everything.

The new followers are:
Moonshadow, who writes KS Born
NeighGirl, who has joined at least a zillion other sites,
Rocy + Indiana at Parker Bourn Farm

I liked reading their blogs.
Indiana is a dog... isn't that great?

Update from Gypsy's new mom:
Gypsy is doing wonderfully. Each day she comes out of her shell a bit more - well, until we had some thunder and lightning! Both of us had to go out this afternoon. Gypsy and Tucker were left by themselves. There were no accidents, no torn-up items, and no evidence of dogs on the furniture.


  1. Hi Gypsy! Chance is afraid of thunder and lightening too and gunshots...or it has been a bad month for him! I hope you adjust to your new home quickly:)

  2. Sounds like things are going well! Has Gypsy met your Haffies?

  3. Please disregard my question, I found the answer in your previous post...and boy was I surprised! Best wishes for all!!

  4. Aw, thanks for the welcome! :)

    Indiana's pretty spooked by the thunder/fireworks too. And when it's rolling, she looks just as antsy (and suspcious!) as Gypsy does, haha. Congrats on the alone time, and here's to Gypsy continuing to settle in well!

  5. Wonderful! It nice when a throw away finds a forever home!!


  6. Yay for Gypsy for settling well. It is so nice to hear that her and Tucker get along. And they stay off the furniture?!
    We used to not let Cooper on the furniture and we never saw him on it either. But soon, we were discovering piles of fur on the couches when we came home. Sneaky dog. So we gave up that battle.

  7. Awww, Sadie and Bella relate to Gypsy's fear of T-Boomers. They either go under our bed, or crawl under Mr. Once Upon's desk, but only if he is sitting at his desk. But it sounds like she is settling in well.

  8. We had a dog that was terrified of thunder. When he was a very old dog, his hearing became less and less, and so did his fear.

  9. Welcome to your new home Gypsy! My own dogs don't like thunder fact it's storming right now, and they are underneath the blankets on my bed. lol!


  10. I am really out of the loop. Your horses are in a new home and you got a new dog?


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