Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Stills: Spring Preview

We had some warm weather and sunshine today. A welcome break from winter. But even so, things are a bit dull - with very little color.  The Sunday Stills Challenge was to dig into our archives for some color from previous springs and summers to warm us up a bit. I feel better already! How about you?!

Could spring be this close?

Here are some shots from our trip to France in May, 2010. 
I wouldn't mind being behind the camera for any of these shots at this very moment!


  1. Ahhhhhhh, that felt good. I could almost feel the warm sun on my back.

  2. Those are unique. What kind of software do you use to get that keyhole effect?

  3. NuzzMuzz - I'm laughing because I wanted to create a mask in Photoshop but was too impatient (maybe too stupid, too) to find/follow the instructions. So, I took the picture into MS Paint and painted the black on top of the image.

  4. That keyhole shot was a great idea. Nice!

  5. Love the roses. A favorite of mine. :)

  6. I love these/ The key hole is great! I always love flowers :-)

  7. Beautiful roses. The key hole effect is awesome!

  8. I love those roses- I'd like to have that red one growing in my garden. The keyhole one is creative and lovely.

  9. Great shots! Alliums are too fun, and I too love roses.

  10. Great Spring colors, like that keyhole touch.

  11. great idea with the keyhole. I love the roses!


What thoughts do you have?

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