Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Project - Week 4: In the Doldrums

I can't believe we finished Week 4 of the project. I feel like so little has been accomplished. How frustrating! But, then again, we weren't able to devote as much time to the project as we would have liked. Life got in the way. I played chauffeur for my dad and then, I actually went horseback riding AND attended a function as a therapeutic riding volunteer. Well, as they say, 'All work and no play....'!

This is how I feel about this week. 

Picture by Mr.Gue

So, what did we accomplish?
  • ordered our wood flooring. The folks at Lumber Liquidators just about keeled over when we FINALLY made a decision. We have been going back and forth for weeks. Dark wood vs light wood; oak vs hickory; 3" vs 5"; hand scraped vs traditional! You'll have to wait for the "reveal" to see what we settled on!
  • looked at tile - think we may have found what we want for the entry foyer - but have a long way to go. We still need:
    • tile for the half bath floor
    • tile for the master bath floor
    • tile for the shower and tub surround
    • tile for the master bath back splash - by sinks and by the tub (unless we match the tile for the shower there as well).
    • tile for the kitchen back splash
    • maybe tile for the back spash in the powder room. We have a pedestal sink in there, but I'm thinking we may want something to protect the walls - any thoughts from folks who have pedestal sinks?
  • ripped up the floor tile and concrete board in the master bath, except in the WC - yes, we actually have a potty room!  It's rather small and I find it awkward to try to shut the door - and after all, it's only my hubby and me so, who cares?! (And, after last week, we finally have water and can use the potty! Ever so  much better than squatting in the run-in area of the barn!)
  • received tried to get bids on sheet rock work on the main floor - we only got one guy to come out and haven't received his estimate. Argghhhh!
  • ordered our dishwasher. Finally there was a good sale on dishwashers. I really didn't care about what I had as long as A) it works and B) it has a delayed start. It will be delivered on Thursday, and can join the cluster of appliances sitting in the middle of the master bedroom.
  • tore out the knee wall in the kitchen and began to replace it with one that was the correct size.
  • moved some electrical wires and removed some can lights. The cans are going to be replaced with some track lighting, maybe with some hanging pendant lights.
  • hauled about 10 wheelbarrow loads of tile down the stairs and out to the dumpster. You know what I learned? Tile is a lot heavier than horse poop!
I'm looking forward to moving forward this week. Hopefully I will be able to report great progress!


  1. Wait! You're saying you didn't get much done? It seems to me that you had a very busy week!

  2. If that's what you accomplished in an off week, wow! You must get an incredible amount done in a full week. Hang in there. You are going to have a beautiful home when you are done.


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....