Monday, February 28, 2011

The Project - Week 6: Mother May I?

Do you remember playing the childhood game, "Mother May I?"  In this game one child was the "Mother" and would call on the other children, who were standing in a line some distance a way, one by one. The selected child would ask, "Mother, may I take 3 giant steps?" (or some other request for moving toward Mother) and the mother would decide whether or not the child could make those moves, or she could assign other steps. This week I asked "Mother" if we could take a giant step forward on the project. Mother responded, "No, but you may take one teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy step forward." Since I remembered to inquire, "Mother, may I?" I was allowed to move forward!

This week we:
  • Installed sound board insulation around pipes in the living room ceiling - a total waste of time as far as I'm concerned!
  • Looked at tile for the hall and the master bath. 
  • Painted Intended to paint the upper half of the dining room walls - I was only able to cut in along the wainscoting and paint part way up the corners - other more pressing projects took me away from this task....maybe next week!
  • Got a final estimate for sheet rock work.
  • Looked at tile for the hall and the master bath.  
  • Put cement backer board down in the half bath and installed tile. 
  • Looked at tile for the hall and the master bath.  
  • Painted the half bath.
  • Put some nails and wire on roosting areas of the run-in portion of the barn to try to deter the pigeons (earlier this week hubby surprised a Harrier falcon having his lunch).
  • Had a fantastic ride on Pippin! 

Here is the half bath after a coat of paint and the installation of tile on the floor. We still need to grout, get baseboard (for every room in the downstairs and basement), paint the trim and reinstall the fixtures. 


      1. You are going to enjoy looking back on this blog, in a few years, and remember all the progress you made. Keep on keeping on, lady!

      2. hmmm not familiar with this game, although a lot of games get played all over the world. Maybe we just had a different version...?

        And good luck with the renovation!!!


      3. Oooh! The colors of the paint and tile are so warm and pretty. Nice choices!

        Hooray for a great ride on your handsome steed, too!

        How nice of the Mother to allow you to get so much done. lol!
        I played that game for most of my childhood, through school, girl scouts, summer camp, and on and on.


      4. Get your priorities straight. The fantastic ride on Pippin should have been at the top LOL.


      What thoughts do you have?

      What is Four?

      Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....