Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch: Texas

I am hoping I can get this post completed and 'up' before Mr. Dreamy wants to move one. We have had an interesting trip through Texas. Luckily, we were "deep in the heart of Texas" so we didn't get hit by the storm that dumped 20" of snow on Amarillo. Yes! You read that right! They had major highways closed for hours. However, we were impacted by the storm because it was a massive low pressure area and the winds around the low were very high, with gusts in the 50 mph range, or maybe even higher. I posted this image of a wind map on Facebook the other morning:

We knew the storm was coming so we had planned to hunker down where we were. When we awoke, the winds were calm, not what we had expected at all. However, if you look carefully at the map, you can see the greenish-brown circle just to the right of the 25 mph label... that's where we were when this screen shot was nabbed! We stayed put and our motorhome was rockin' and rollin' all day and well into the night.
Today we will leave Texas behind as we head to Arizona to meet with some friends. But, before we take off, I want to sit a spell and chat with my blogger friends!

Care to join in? You can respond to Patrice's questions and link up to Everyday Rurality, or comment on her site or mine. Here are her questions for this week:

1. Is there a room in your home that you'd like to redecorate or remodel?
2. Did you watch the Oscars?
3. How many pair of blue jeans do you own?
4. What was your favorite toy as a child?
5. If you could visit a country in Europe, which would you choose?

1. When we purchased our house, which had major water damage from a broken pipe, we redid the main floor. The upstairs rooms sustained very little damage and they are clean and quite pleasant. The basement had been partially finished, and after 'the flood' we had the sheetrock restored, but we need to do something with the flooring and continue to finish the job.

2. I did not watch the Oscars. I don't get out to watch many movies. I don't know who is in what and frankly, that is not a huge area of interest for me.

3. Do you mean how many pair that fit?! I have 7 'jeans' with me on the trip: 2 blue, 1 each of black, tan, deep red, purple and a peach color. I live in jeans. I don't own too many pants that aren't jean style.

4. Early on I loved stuffed animals. As I got a bit older my interest turned to horses and I had a small herd of plastic equines.

5. Sweden... in the summer! My maternal grandmother was born in Sweden. I would love to visit the country and connect with distant relatives.

Ah, what a pleasant way to begin the morning. I have enjoyed sipping my coffee and 'talking' with my friends. Click on the link below to visit Everyday Rurality and see how other folks responded to Patrice's questions.

Everyday Ruralty


  1. Hi Dreaming! I'm glad that your, Mr. D., Tucker, and Gypsy are hanging in there! As our climate becomes more destabilized, we going to see more wild events like 20 inches of snow in Amarillo. I'll bet the residents there were in shock!

    1. No ~ but I'm going to lighten the load on possessions after a career in teaching and too many years of accumulating! My husband would like to toss my collection of National Geographics. I have some issues as far back as 1928. I will thin out the duplicates this year!

    2. Yes ~ I love movies and hope to have time to see more than I was able to when teaching.

    3. I have just started wearing them again, so I have two pair. I also have two pair that I wore on digs in Wyoming with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science almost 20 years ago. I can't get into them yet, but the day is getting closer,

    4. My favorite toy was a tikanagan which is an Ojibawa baby carrier. It was made for me by Uncle Pipe an Ojibawa/Irish friend of our family when we lived in the North.

    5. Tough question! Probably Scotland, because my roots are almost entirely Scottish. But I really want to go to Italy and Greece, and, and, and!

    Safe journeys to the Dreamings!

  2. 1. Yes and no living in a 120 year old farm house, trying to keep the old thyme charm makes remodeling a huge dilemma ...but I love decorating the house :)
    2. Watched ...wasn't hugely impressed. Lol but love movies.
    3. Jeans are my pants of choice ... too many to count!
    4. Fav childhood toys ... Teddybears, then Bryer Horse Collection!
    5. Lived in England and graduated in Iceland ...but would love to visit both once more!
    Well this was fun and it is my first time here !
    I am now your new follower :)

  3. 1. I just finished one room and am ready to move on to one of the hideously ugly basement bedrooms.
    2. No, I never do. It is so hard to even find a movie I enjoy anymore. But I keep searching.
    3. Like many, I live in jeans, even dressed up consists of jeans. I'm guessing 20 pairs, but probably only 10 that I wear regularly
    4. Breyer horses, hands down.
    5. Russia. I just think it is a fascinating place and love the language.

  4. Glad you weren't blown away in Texas! You have quite an array of jeans. Very colorful.:) I live in jeans. I think Sweden would be a wonderful trip! Have a great week and safe travels.

  5. 20"! Who would guess that Texas would have more snow than Colorado?

  6. wow, i guess you are having snow. i hope you like it. enjoy!! we would love some here in VA. i would love to see Sweden. awesome!! ( :

  7. I am in Texas down near the coast. All we got was LOTS of wind. I like the wind but would much rather have the snow. :) The wind was so strong today I was almost too weak to fight it to get my car door open, but I finally won out.

    Stay safe and have a great week!

  8. Even wind was gusting here, so I knew that you were "rockin'". Glad that you are finally across the BIG state of Texas!

    1. Our house was built in early 1960s and was re-modeled before we moved in 18+ years ago. Bathrooms & the kitchen need updating; however, remodeling would cause too much of a mess to consider right now.

    2. I watch sports & Downton Abby, so no Academy Awards show on my TVs. Not being a movie fan, I'm really not interested!

    3. Only 3-4 pairs of jeans, which are NOT flattering on me. I much prefer other styles of trousers. Interestingly, I've worn a dress fewer that five times since I retired in 2005! I really need to get those old garments out of my closet!

    4. My bike and later my record player (as I grew older and before I discovered the telephone) were my favorite toys. Dolls were not a fav and I will admit that I've never been fond of horses.

    5. In April/May 2013, I will make my first trip to England! I've visited many countries in Europe thanks to having a friend who lived in Germany for ten years. My cousin's daughter will soon be moving to Coppenhagan, so the Scandinavian countries are now on my "to visit" list.

  9. You missed the snowstorm!
    1. Is there a room in your home that you'd like to redecorate or remodel?
    Yes the back furnace room/laundry room.
    2. Did you watch the Oscars? No. I have not seen any of the movies and know none of the actors.
    3. How many pair of blue jeans do you own? None..I have some capris that are jean material.
    4. What was your favorite toy as a child? Marbles
    5. If you could visit a country in Europe, which would you choose? Finland.


What thoughts do you have?

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