Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ready, Set .... No!

It is time to head out. Items in the motorhome are secure. Hoses and electrical lines have been disconnected. Slideouts need to be brought in. I said, slideouts need to come in. Ahem... What didn't you understand? When I  pushed the switch that magically communicates my desires to the slideout, nothing happened. So, of course I tried again. Nope. Next, begins the hunt for the problem and,  more importantly,  the solution. We pull out manuals.  

Mr. Dreamy checks fuses. He makes phone calls and leaves messages.  Now we wait for answers... and wait... and write a blog post... and talk to a factory mechanic... and test some fuses... and determine we need a new part... so now we wait, again!
We keep telling ourselves there could be worse places to break down. I mean, we are in a nice campground, and the sun is shining. We could be in the driving rain along the side of the road somewhere!

The part has been sent overnight.  We have connected with a mechanic. Now we have nothing to do but wait.


  1. Fingers crossed your up and on the road again soon.

  2. Hope you can still make your date with your friends..! :)

  3. As a kid sliding in my grandparents slide outs were the BEST THING EVER

  4. At least you have a place to stay!

  5. If I recall correctly, we talked about your "slide out" during our lunch together. Too bad your "good luck" did not continue! This trip has become a "shake down" cruise of sort for you & your RV. Aren't you glad that you've got time to deal with problems rather than being frustrated because you are requiring a couple of additional days?


  6. I'm hoping by now that things have improved for you, Dreaming! Take care!


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