Friday, February 15, 2013

Coon Dog Cemetery

On a remote forested hillside
The trees whisper stories
Of those who eternally sleep
Blanketed in earth's loam.

Markers of milestones
Memorialize achievements
So all will know
Of their greatness.

Leaves rustle and
Somersault along the ground
From phantom footfalls;
Paws on the trail.

Hair stands as if to salute
The keening calls
That play through branches;
Coon dogs baying.

Bittersweet reminders
Of promises to meet
Those we have loved
At the rainbow bridge.


He wasn't the best
But he was the
best I had.

 Easy Going Sam
4-8-89      9-12-02
Last One on the Wood

 Smith's M. T. Rock
1977 - 1988

PK' Kayla's Copperhead Boy
"And though I may call a dozen living
dogs to heel, they shall not growl at him,
or resent his coming. For he is mine
and belongs there."

In memory of
P.R. Blue Kate U.K.C. H284.384
Born 7.29.70
Died 9/3/1978
Owner. Herschel Davis
Tuscumbia, Alabama
Struck by car while running a
raccoon in six years of ownership
treed more than 200
XXX witnessed XXXXXXX
Wilburn Orater
J.T. Bozeman
Hollis Robinson
Leon Davis

P R Uctman's                                                     P R Rackliff's
So. Blue Rocky                                                  Red Rusty "Papa"
Born 2-22-90                     Lassie                       Born 6-27-81
Died 11-14-97        Owner Doug Hampton           Died 3-7-91    


  1. Beautiful poem ~ incredible photos! This post tugged at my heart and made me think of all my pets whom I truly hope to be with again. This post took a lot of effort on your part, and I so appreciate it. Thanks Dreaming!

  2. That is so cool. It made me remember the pet cemetery we used to visit on occasion when I lived in Ft. Riley, Kansas. The size of that cemetery was amazing, and all the heartfelt little gravestones, dog collars and toys left at the graves was truly touching.

  3. That is really beautiful! The one from the 1920's amazes me! Wow!

  4. So touching! Thanks for sharing!

    I've often thought that a pet cementary was sooooo needed in this area. I don't know of one in Beaufort/Bluffton/HHI areas. Do you? I have the ashes of three dogs and two cats waiting to be mixed with Bacot's & scattered. Other folks keep the ashes of "Uncle Joe" or another relative in an urn; however, we keep the ashes of Lady, Holly, BeBo, BC (a.k.a. Black Cat), & Liza Jane in little wooden boxes on the TV stand & shelves in the living area. Are we crazy?


  5. What an interesting place..I have a whole pack waiting at the bridge for me..what fun it will be when I get there:)

  6. Wow. That is neat. It would be nice to have a place for my pets to go and be remembered. Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a beautiful tribute to man's best friend!

  8. Beautiful post. We lost one of our dogs this year and I miss him terribly! We have a pet cemetary in our back yard snd it looks like it's been there 100 years! It even has an old wrought iron fence.

  9. My heart loves places like this!


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