Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Roads I've Taken

This time we are not taking the road less traveled by. In fact, we will be on the hated boring Interstate. We are beginning our trek home. It is hard to believe, but we have been on the road for almost 2 months! We will be meeting some friends in Arizona for a get-together next weekend. Then, we will make a turn toward home - at least that is what we are thinking at the moment! 

I created a new page on my site called, "Travel Trails". The page, accessible from the top of the sidebar on the right, shows the maps for our most recent adventures. I keep wondering, since none of this was even in the cards last year at this time, what will the page include next year?

It's amazing what twists and turns your life can take!


  1. What a fun opportunity for you to travel across the country! Sounds like fun!

  2. I love your map feature, Dreaming! And I love following your travels. Keep on Trucking!

  3. thats so much fun! My grandparents took about a year (about ten years ago) and visited about 40 states. They had a fifth wheel that they toted around and went wherever they pleased! They still travel, but have sold their fifth wheel and they love that they have the memories from that long trip they were able to take!

  4. Have fun in AZ. Does this mean you and Mr. Dreamy are snow birds now? You have successfully missed the coldest days of Colorado and will miss the big snow storm coming tonight.

    1. ...correction: the snow storm that is starting now. The beet pulp is soaking; the equines will get extra chow tonight.

  5. Cyndi! I'm so disappointed...thought you were going to park here for a couple of art classes. Ha Ha. Next time.

  6. Sounds like an amazing journey~ looks like you've been as far as NC, not far from me! (East TN)
    Praying for a safe trip home for you. That is if you head home... :)

  7. What? I thought you went to Florida!


What thoughts do you have?

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