Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch: Enjoying a WiFi High

I'm on a WiFi high! We are at the factory campground (for our motorhome) in Alabama and they have WiFi... and the WiFi is good!
I feel like somebody again!
I can read about what is going on... 
and I can put up posts... 
and I can email...
and I can open posts with pictures...
and I can leave comments....
and I can participate in Patrice's "Chats on the Farmhouse Porch"

Patrice gives us five questions every week so that we can respond and then check out the responses from others who link up to her site. This week we are only imagining we are on Patrice's porch as she says it is very cold. (As if we don't 'imagine' the porch visit every week.... geesh, this is beginning to seem so real!)

Here are this week's questions:

  1. What is your favorite time of day to read? If you don't enjoy reading, then what is your favorite time to watch TV/movies?
  2. Did you watch the Super Bowl? If so, what was your favorite commercial? If you didn't watch it, what did you do Sunday night?
  3. Have you been watching Downton Abbey?Who's your favorite character? If not, have you seen any interesting TV or movies series lately?
  4. Do you enjoy home parties for selling items? (like Pampered Chef, Southern Living, Mary Kay)
  5. Please finish this sentence. If I work very hard, I can__________________.

Here are my answers:

1. I enjoy reading at any time during the day when I don't feel like I should really be doing something else. As I have aged I have found that I have a harder time keeping my nose buried in the book. I find my mind wandering and thinking of distractions... usually things that need doing. Generally I will read in the evening if TV doesn't interest me and very often for a few minutes in bed before falling asleep.

2. I am not much of a football fan, but I did watch the game and I enjoyed it. Since my son lives in SF I was really hoping that the 49ers would pull it off. As far as the ads go, hands down my favorite was the Clydesdale ad, followed by the ad for the RAM which celebrated our farmers.

3. My son introduced me to Downton Abbey when he was visiting at Christmas. We watched 5 or 6 shows from the first season. I did enjoy them, but haven't watched any since. I am tickled that my son and his wife consider this one of their favorite shows. If I had to pick a favorite character I'd pick Violet. She reminds me of my MIL!

4. I do enjoy participating in home sale parties.... but I usually feel that I must buy something. I have a few things in my cabinets that I never use because of that. I have hosted a few parties, but prefer not to, because then I feel that my friends will feel pressured to buy. Although I often like the products offered for sale, I feel that the prices are a bit steep.

5. If I work very hard I can..... lose some weight and get in shape! Here's hoping (she says as she sips a beer and eats more potato chips!)

Visit Everyday Rurality to see other responses to the questions by clicking on the link below. You can play along, too, but responding in a comment or, if you have a blog, by putting up a post with your own answers and linking them to Patrice's page.

Everyday Ruralty


  1. Lol your answer to #5 is soooo me. In fact, I'm doing one of those things right now. ;)

  2. Love your answers. Especially number 5. Minus the beer part that was SO me.

    Downton Abbey is something my husband and I have been enjoying together.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. So glad you're in WiFiland! Enjoy!

  4. So glad you are once again "connected". Ain't WiFi wonderful?!!! You are going to post photos of your digs in Alabama, aren't you?

    I am a reader! My favorite time to read is 4 - 6 p.m. as I've already heard the new cycle and TV sports haven't begun. During mild/warm/hot weather, I spend hours and hours reading on my screened porch. Sometime I read for a few minutes before turning off the light; however, usually, I am just too sleepy.

    I watched the Super Bowl (did I mention that I am a sports fan?); however, IMHO, the commercials were not as show-stopping as in past years. There were lots of hype before the commercials aired and much dissection since the airing. I think folks are afraid to admit that the commercials were sub-par this year.

    I've become "hooked" on Downton Abbey. Yes, I'm a late-comer as I did not begin watching until Season 3. I've really not watched long enough to have a "favorite character".

    IMHO, home parties are the pits! I don't like to attend and certainly do NOT host them.

    If I work very hard ... I can go to bed before midnight. Retirement and the ability to "sleep in" have strengthened my natural tendency to be a night owl. I am not (and probably will never be) a "morning person"!


  5. i love the saying "WiFi High" that is too cute. i have you have a chance to enjoy it for a while. i know when we are camping we enjoy time away but when you have connections to the world it feels great. we went for 30 days with no internet. it was wild to go that long when you are use to checking emails & such every day. ha. ha!! nice to meet you & do take care. enjoy your day. ( :

  6. I loved answer #5. That so reminds me of myself. I also posted about losing weight and have been thinking about it lately but I am still printing out new recipes to bake, Lol. Have a great week.

  7. Good to have you back! The beer and potato chip diet? I think I've heard of that one. I like Violet too. I want to be a sassy old lady one day.I hope you're having a good time traveling.

  8. Ha :) This was fun to read, especially the part about the beer and potato chips! LOL Love it.


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