Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Centus: Wishes

This weeks' Centus is in honor of Penny Laine McDonald, born this morning at 8:38 EST. Welcome to the world, Penny! Penny is the daughter of Wesley and Laura. Wesley and my son grew up together. Was it just last week that the boys played together in preschool?!

Wait... that isn't my post! Here is my Saturday Centus:

The wails woke her from the first sound sleep she had enjoyed in days. She pulled herself  out of the abyss of sleep, fuzzy headed and bleary eyed. Looking over the edge of the bassinet, she watched the newborn flail her hands and feet, her flaming face screwed up in rage. Damn, she was hungry, again. It had only been what, just over an hour since she changed her, fed her, and laid her down? How could she be hungry again? Was it just last week that she yearned for this baby to be born, more than anything else? Picking up the baby, she smiled. 

I'm thinking that any mom out there can identify with this. Those first few days of adjusting to life as a mother are as tough as the baby's adjustment to life on this Earth! Penny Laine and her mom are both doing well. I wish the new family nothing but the best!

Jenny Matlock posts a challenge to us every week. We are to use her prompt and no more than 100 additional words, to come up with a post. This week's prompt: "Was it just last week..." 

Visit Jenny's site to read more responses to her prompt:

Jenny Matlock


  1. That was an awesome depiction of a new mother and baby...very well done !!! :)

  2. nicely told and the perspective is perfect for this

    have a great day.

  3. wonderful and congratulations to the new parents.

  4. Absolutely every mom and grandmother out there! How wonderful, you must be the most happiest ever!

  5. that was great. and so true. My son and his wife just had a baby 6 weeks ago. I hear him say that all the time.

  6. Oh gosh. By now the new parents have had a first Christmas with their sweet baby!

    How wonderful!

    Thanks for the heartwarming use of this prompt.

    This made me smile!


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