Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Working my Fingers to the Bone

I am in the middle of the Christmas crush... er, I mean rush! I have been Christmas shopping. Son One posts a wish list on Amazon. I can scroll down the list, click on items to get more information, and buy them through my Amazon account. Too easy! Son Two sent us an email with his wish list - with hyperlinks to the web page with the item on it, only 1 click away from purchase! How convenient, right?! But, I like to buy local. I like to touch things and feel the weight of the item. I really don't care for cyber shopping - but, I have to admit that not only is it easy and convenient - it saves gas and the selection is so much greater!

For example, yesterday I went on a quest for stocking hangers. Currently the stockings are hung by the chimney with... paperclips! As we have never celebrated Christmas in Colorado, we have never had the need to hang stockings. Our fireplace mantle is rock. I need hangers! The paperclips can barely hold the stockings, let alone any gifts brought from Santa! So I stopped in:
 a local Christmas shop - they didn't have any!
Target - they had two of each style. I need three.
a Big Box garden shop - zip - zero
a craft/decor store - none that match my style
the thrift shop - they had three, but they were all very different
a local florist/gift shop - none
a discount shop - none

So, what's a gal to do? After dinner I sat down with my computer, pulled up Amazon, searched for 'Stocking Hangars' and found dozens... and dozens... any of which could be delivered to my house by the 20th - or faster if I wanted expedited shipping. 

So, the hangars are on their way, to be delivered by the UPS sleigh.

Today I'm heading out for a bit more shopping. I need some cute little things to put in the stockings, and I need to begin to get food for our Christmas Eve Swedish smorgasbord! I guess I could order food from the Internet... but most likely doing the bulk of my food shopping that way isn't going to happen... at least not this year.


  1. We were searching for a few items too..hopefully the Sleigh will deliver them in time. Shopping local would be a Craft Sale in November, or a number of Tourist shops, Farm Supply Store or Walmart..not much of a choice. So we did a fair amount online..so far we have been happy shopping online:)

  2. Nice hangers! We are having 20 for a Christmas Eve Smorgie...what's on your menu?

  3. David is a computer shopper, and I'm a touchy-feely go to the store shopper!
    Tomorrow will be a good day to stay home and relax.

  4. Would be nice if we could order everything online wouldn't it? Sometimes I think so! We'd never have to leave. Yes the UPS sleigh - Santa uses them all the time!

  5. I'm caught in the Christmas crush/rush too - which is why I'm staying up late to catch up on my blogs! I felt exhausted just looking at the list of all the stores you went to on your hunt for hangers. You are persistent! It looks like you found some that are sturdy and classy! My Terry doesn't like shopping in any way, shape, or form. I'm a touchy-feely shopper too, but I'm almost as bad as Terry. I gave up on trying to hang stockings years ago (probably because they are ridiculously big)! We just lay them on the couch. I hope you can kick back and enjoy a little slow time during Christmas week.


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