Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas: Then and Now

Christmas, 1989
The children experience
a rare snow in Bluffton, SC.

Christmas,  2012
The "children" sledding in the pasture.

I think I should photoshop a bit more snow in the picture and
use this as a Christmas card!

We received 2-3" of snow. We had a few drifts that were close to 10" in height.
Even Dreaming took a turn or two going down the hill!

.... dodging the occasional pile of... obstacle!


  1. Cute! All of our rain should be snow, but for the weirdest reason, it is 45 degrees F in December!
    Have fun with your snow!

  2. It looks like you were having fun sledding! Looks like "the children" still enjoy the snow. I wish we had gotten more snow and wetter snow. We need the moisture badly.

  3. Lovely pictures of the kids! I tried to sled a few years ago on a trash can lid, but it didn't work so well. I would love to try again if we ever get some snow. Snow seems to bring the kid out in everyone. Merry Christmas, dear Dreaming, I hope you have a great time with your family.

  4. Hey, we have the same type of obstacles!

  5. Looks like fun..then and now! Enjoy! Merry Christmas:)


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